
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Panncakez, May 28, 2010.

  1. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    So, I've got an iPad and an iPhone 3GS, and I'm thinking about jailbreaking either one of them or both of them. Jailbreaking, for those of you who don't know, unlocks the full potential of Apple's mobile devices by allowing more customization, multitasking, folders, etc. Does anyone have anything to say? I'd appreciate it if someone could dispel or verify some of the rumors. Thanks.
  2. forgerallmighty

    forgerallmighty Ancient
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    what rumors have u heard? and what questions do u have? i jailbroke my ipod, so i know quite a bit about this topic . . .
  3. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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  4. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I've had my iPhone jailbroken basically since I got it. I really love it and it's incredibly difficult to not be jailbroken once you do it.

    There are some rumors like being jailbroken causes the phone to slow down or drop calls. Slowdown is an issue on the 3G but the 3Gs has so much speed it never really shows any signs of slowdown. On the 3G you only have like 20 megs of free ram instead of 140 so even a few jailbroken things, especially custom themes, will really show a drop.

    I think the dropped call rumor is mostly due to AT&T's shitty service and not the software. It's too hard to prove but I haven't noticed any changes. I got plenty of dropped calls during the times where I was vanilla.

    As for jailbreaking, do it for sure.

    Some apps I would recommend getting once you jailbreak your 3Gs.

    BiteSMS: quickreply for SMS, has a paid "ad-less" version or a free ad supported
    Categories: Group your apps into categories
    CategoriesSB: Costs a couple bucks but makes the categories folders open 100x faster, totally worth it.
    LockInfo: Shows updates on your lockscreen, like weather, new emails, calender alerts, spots updates, **** like that. Incredibly useful. Costs like 5 bucks though it comes with a trial.
    5 icon dock: is what it sounds like
    Winterboard: Allows you to run custom themes, recommend Glasklart or Matte Nano
    SBSettings: Just swipe along the top bar to bring up settings like disabling wifi or adjusting brightness, incredibly useful
    MyWi: Turns your iphone into a wifi hotspot for use on other devices using it's 3G
    QuickScroll 2: allows you to quickly scroll around pages
    SpotBright: Allows you to search for hidden apps, useful with categories
    StatusNotifier: Shows notification icons next to the battery for things like mail, phone calls, or SMS
    Universal Search: Search google, dictionary, etc from spotlight

    feel free to message me if you have anymore questions
  5. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Jailbreaking your iPhone is awesome, although I find filling it with too many ^mods makes it slow and laggy.

    I recommend Android Lock as well as Winterboard. Cydia is the better app installer but I find Rock has a nicer interface.

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