Post your 3 most impressive halo three medals here Divide into social and ranked Social 1. 1172 Beatdowns 2. 2 exterminations 3. 81 wheelman's Ranked 1. 197 sticks 2. 50 splatters 3. 15 steaktaculars Aslo, in one ranked game my tool of distruction was "unknown"
Ranked: 339 BR kills (I have had this account for about 2 weeks) 2 steaktaculars Social: 51 Killing sprees 9 Killing frenzies 4 running riots (note that all of that is in about 100 games of both social and ranked- so a killing spree every other game, a killing frenzy once every 10 games, and a running riot once every 25 games) 1 shotgun spree 8 steaktaculars
ranked: 7 killing frenzys 1 running riot 1520 assault rifle kills social: 1460 battle rifle kills 19 steaktaculars 3 killtaculars
Ranked: -1 Killtacular -2 Skyjacker -15 Steaktaculars Social: -6 Exterminations -1 Rampage -1 Killapocalypse
Ranked: 1 Rampage (Solo AKA. Lone Wolves) 65 Steaktaculars 651 Headshots Social: 2 Killtrocities 43 Steaktaculars 1 Sharpshooter and Perfection (Had to bundle those. They were in the same game.) I could probably live off of Luke's steak tab for 2 or 3 months.
ranked:1524 beatdowns 339 double kills 20 steaktacular (dont know what it is) Social:2 exterminations 120 killjoy 12 steak
Ranked - Beatdowns - 945 Assassination - 196 Sticky - 166 Splatter - 52 Killjoy - 72 Death beyond grave - 68 Social - Killing Spree - 68 Killing Frenzy - 2 Running Riot - 1 Rampage - 1 Beatdown - 916 Steaktacular - 21 Triple Kill - 29 Killjoy - 77
Ranked: 1 Perfection 2 Running Riots 17 Steaktaculars Social: 1 Killtrocity 1 Sharpshooter 1 Linktacular I can't exactly rate them. I'm not good at it. You can decide for your self. Fastforward I&social=false&map=0
Actually, you have to win by 20 points, just had to correct that there. Imagine a team doubles match where you win by 20 points... That would hang over the loosing team forever.
Funny you should mention that me and my friend were off by 1 Kill VICE its also has been in my fileshare as my first perfection
My mongoose mowdown was my last acheivement and by far most memorable. I was driving right at this pair of players that were in the midst of battling eachother. I was hoping to steal a kill from either weakened player, so i made a b-line right for 'em. To my dismay, a random grenade went off sending my 'Goose into a crazy barrel roll and sent me off course for my splatter. But at that exact moment, as my Goose was completely upside down, in mid-air, whizzing by the two players, a third player popped up near the first two players; he had the same idea: steal a kill or two from them. Sucks for him though since my Goose splattered him instead! I'm sure he was like "WTF he hacked?!?!" My splatter resulted in my Goose miraculously righting itself, allowing me to drive off into the sunset as that wonderful achievement flashed at the bottom of the screen. I died a moment later because I gleefully drove off the cliff (it was on standoff). A victory suicide = EPIC WIN --dc
wrong thread? lol i bet he was like that and as for the steaktacular thing, you were right. my bad. i dont know what i was thinking.... (cheese)