Sandbox Juncture

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Vincent Torre, May 26, 2010.

  1. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Choose your path wisely. Designed by Vincent Torre.

    Designed and Forged by: MickRaider
    Gametypes: All gametypes supported
    Recommended: CTF, Slayer, KoTH, Assault
    Supports 2-14 people

    Let's see. I guess I'll start off by apologizing to the community. Juncture has been done for months and I've just been too preoccupied to actually do a writeup. I was also hoping to have my website finished so you'd have something fun to look at. Well my developer got a job and never did anymore work on the site, so this is all you get... for now :)

    Juncture began life over 9 months ago. I had wanted to do a crypt map but felt most of them were too flat for my liking. I wanted to break this mold by building a room based map that allowed the player to circumnavigate the entire map without ever getting off the scenery, but still having a good variety of routes to keep the player interested.

    Not knowing exactly how it would fit together, but knowing I wanted a center "circle" I worked out the middle area on paper. From there I built everything in one 9 hour sketchup session. I recruited the help of Gunnergrunt in the beginning, but the slow progress and MW2 eventually made him lose interest. He still did a bunch of work and I thank him for it.

    Weapon List:

    [weapon]/[number on map]/[# of clips]/[respawn time]

    BR / 6 / 2 / 10
    Sniper / 2 / 1 / 120
    Needlers / 2 / 2 / 90
    Carbine / 2 / 2 / 90
    Sword / 1 / 120
    Shotgun / 2 / 1 / 60

    Equipment List:

    [equipment]/[number on map]/[respawn time]

    Bubble shield / 2 / 90
    Regen / 2 / 90
    Plasma Grenades / 8 / 20
    Camo / 1 / 150

    YouTube- Juncture - Halo 3 Forge map



    Red Base:

    Blue Base:

    Red Starting view:

    Red Bubble:

    Red Sniper:

    Red Regen:

    Red Tunnel Entrance:

    Blue Tunnel Entrance:

    Middle Overview:

    Sword and Invis:

    Overview again:

    Thanks for checking my map out. I'm open to constructive criticism and comments.


    A big thanks to Nondual for all his awesome customs in which I could test the hell out of this. Gunnergrunt for his help in the beginning, sorry it took so long :) Everyone who tested and everyone who helped me get this to be the best it could be.

    Click here to Download Juncture
    #1 Vincent Torre, May 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  2. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I honestly cannot believe that this hasn't been released! We've played this sooooo many times I guess I had just assumed that you'd already put it out there for the world to enjoy.
    Regardless, to everyone reading, you should definitely download this. It's a great map that almost always results in some very epic encounters, I personally enjoy CTF and Hill the most.

    Great job Vince, great job. :)
  3. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    That looks epic! I'm definitely gonna give it a DL later =)

    (Then, I'll look for ALL the weapon spawns, figure out some strategies, and then beat the crap out of my friends on it :p)
  4. Nondual

    Nondual Ancient
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    Customs represent! Yeah man, playing this has been great. Very solid gameplay, beautiful aesthetics, and just overall great design.

    It's been great getting to know you, and having you in so many games. You're definitely one of the pillars that make customs possible. Thanks for the mention.

    My favorite gametypes for this are definitely KOTH, and Slayer. CTF has been really, really fun too. . . we'll have to mess around with some more gametypes on this soon for sure. And then how many times have we played this. . . ? I want to say about 40 times at least. . . Man, epic.
    I say GADDAMN that video is sweet! That music is silky smooth. Nice job dude. (What up for that stick at the end being from me! (all luck.)) What happened to the clip where you stuck me on the face right when I came around the corner? LOL Fun stuff, I'll have to watch it again after youtube has had time to process and the quality goes up.
  5. Toastman 500

    Toastman 500 Ancient

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    Dude. Seriously some Epic skillz being thrown into this map. There are maps, and then,...
    Then there's this!!!!
  6. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    This is one of the most clever maps I have ever seen in the crypt. Not only are all the paths you can take so, but you still get a natural level flow to it. I have two suggestions though and I know I will probably be your first criticism.(Sorry) I recommend especially for a kind of close quarters map like this with many pathways and tunnels please put some automatic weapons in there. It seems as though without them weapons like the shotgun and sword would dominate. If you don't wanna put in AR ammo (either because players spawn with it by default or you just dislike the AR in general) at least put in SMGs or spikers. It would really cope well with this amazing map. Also, I don't see how a sniper would work here but hey, who knows, I'll DL and give you more later.
    #6 Zow Jr, May 27, 2010
    Last edited: May 27, 2010
  7. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is well forged..besides tht it is a massive map...loving it...looks like u can hav a height advantage from time to time..but thts it
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    This is based on merely playing 1v1 on it, with Team slayer settings.

    Likes- the map in general
    Dislikes- we had a few iffy spawns [yes even on 1v1], and some of the ramps were mega steep.

    I dont get to play custom games much anymore, but I wanted to at least play on it a little. These were just my feedback from what i got.
  9. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for checking it out. I had played a few 1v1 and didn't really have any spawning issues, maybe you could send me the game video so I could figure out what you mean. Though this is really designed for at least 2v2.

    As for the ramps, I know :\ I broke my "no 45 degree angle" rule to make it work. I tried to keep them sparse but I just had no other choice in a few areas. Once you learn to stay up high you don't really notice them though :)

    Thanks man. I dunno what happened to that clip. I thought I had rendered it but couldn't find it while editing. Oh well, it's already too long...
    #9 Vincent Torre, May 27, 2010
    Last edited: May 27, 2010
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    I played a 4v4 TS game on this earlier, and I was not disappointed. It played like a great slayer map should. No weapon was too powerful, the LOS were great, there were plenty of ways to get around the map, and the gameplay was what I would expect from a map by you. I actually had fun playing Slayer on this map. Great work as usual.
  11. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like it could be one of the greatest maps in forgehub. Seriously man. Or maybe even the GREATEST!
  12. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I only have one question; isn't six BRs on almost instant respawn a little heavy? I happen to remember a rather long rat about overdoing them....
    Haha but other than that it is a pretty much amazing map. Congrats on doing it AGAIN buddy! I enjoy the compartmentalized layout quiet a bit and I really enjoy the middle section. It's so cool!
  13. Jeff66

    Jeff66 Ancient

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    I agree with Toastman 500, this is an EPIC Map :). This reminds me of one of the center my maps "Moshed Pit", except i have the sword on top and a regn on the bottom.5/5 This map aslo looks like it could work with a game type called "Regen. Slayer ( Made by Crypto nv, steve11th selby,b3nw,and anthrax. You should contact one of them about it, it would be a good map for that gametype.

    BTW: I have attempted to download this, but every time i do so( i have room on my harddrive) it says "transfer failed a file will be attempted to be downloaded again." I cant even up load my maps like" Moshed pit".:( is there any fix to this?
  14. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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  15. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I absolutely love this map, the layout is brilliant with multiple ways to get everywhere you need to be. When I saw that the last time you updated the map was 3/28/10, my only thought was... why couldn't you get this map to us sooner?? I know you said you were busy, so it's no big deal.


    Gameplay in Team Slayer was top notch, you obviously tested this map very throughly. The reason I love symmetrical maps so much, is that they're always balanced very well, and this map just proves this. I never got a 'bad spawn' when playing 3v3 TS. I always spawned in a safe location which was still close to where the battle was happening. The height variations never seemed unfair because of the multiple paths to get there. Like silence said, some of the ramps are kind of steep, but I don't think it effected gameplay at all.


    I was shocked when I first got into the game to find FX on. On most other competitive maps I don't think it would've worked for gameplay as well as it did here. The only beef I have with the FX is that it is a wee bit dark in the back of blue base, other than that, the FX only benefit the map, giving it a darker, rougher feel. The center is forged beaufifully and all the different pathways look phenomenal.


    Looking at some of the pictures I was sure that I would've been able to find a way out of this. Much to my suprise, I couldn't. The only way I could get out of the map was with a chain of grenade jumps and to do that in game would be impossible and stupid. The spawns worked very well with 3v3 TS, so i'm guessing they'd work well with other gametypes.


    Awesome. The only word I coan think of to describe this work of art. There are many different pathways to let you easily manuever this map and this let's teams use more strategies to destroy their opposition. The weapons were also very well placed and couldn't been easier to see when playing. Even on my first playthrough I was able to distinguish the sniper and shotgun locations, which allowed my first game to be more enjoyable then trying to find a power weapon in some secluded part of the map. When I saw how close the sword was to the camo I was almost positive that that would ruin the gameplay. But with all the action thats happening in the center, it's nearly impossible for someone to get camo and sword and live for very long. I also like the teleporters.


    A great map for any gametype, well the gametypes supported. I've yet to try KOTH but i've got time, because this maps not leaving my harddrive.

    4/4, but don't worry i'm going to find something wrong with this map, even if it takes 20 years!
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Juncture Review
    Overall Thoughts -
    I really enjoyed playing Juncture, the gameplay was enjoyable and forging was above average. I tested the map with the following players:-
    · The Wunder
    · Benji4661
    · i5m KS aiakos
    · i5m KS LD
    · El FlyingCondor
    · spazmonkey92
    · IndigoBeef
    · B3NW (Me)
    They all agreed with my thoughts to most extent.
    Enjoyment -
    I said in the overall view, I really enjoyed this map, the large chokepoint between the bases makes for some very fun gameplay. My favorite gameplay was in the opening stages of the game, everyone would rush to the top of their base, players will emerge at the top of the ramps, all while the other team is doing the same, and a barrage of frag grenades will descend on both teams. It makes for some great laughs! :D
    Balance –
    The map was very balanced, I did not notice anything that would break the gameplay or the flow of the map other than these two points:
    · The tele-porters gave too easy access to the opposing teams base.*
    · The sword was too overpowering in KOTH, if the sword carrier did not die and used the swords full ammo, a team could hold down a hill for two hill areas.
    If these problems were fixed, the teams would have to work harder and together, which would move the scale to the equilibrium of fun to competitive.
    *Only applies to symmetrical gametypes. Asymmetrical such as one-bomb was okay but was easily camped.
    Durability –
    In regards to escape ability, I notice map breaks very quickly when I start up a map and I didn’t notice any problems which would allow a player to escape.
    In regards to breaking the spawn system, I tested the map with a balanced team and an unbalanced team. In both games the system was not broke once to my knowledge.
    Aesthetics –
    The map doesn’t have any outstanding aesthetics, but sometimes too much aesthetics can be distracting to players. However, the map does have the generic team colors from objects such as lights. The map also boasts flowing walkways which gives maps the feel of cleanness and the feel of flowing vertical-ness (Nothing will stop you if you jump etc).
    Originality –
    Most maps with the flowing walkways style are often very open and use the whole of the crypt. Juncture does not. This sets it aside from its counterparts and puts it in pole position. What makes it even better is, is that for slayer gametypes, players will be forced to get as high as possible with no cover other than the walls etc that make the map (There is no purpose built cover) which makes t hard to keep the top areas, but the lower areas have lots of vertical cover from the pathways which makes it possible to survive below. In gametypes such as KOTH, players are forced down to these lower areas and into close combat fighting.
    Enjoyment – 7/10 – Above average​
    Balance – 7/10 – Above average​
    Durability – 9/10 – Nearly perfect​
    Aesthetics – 7/10 – Above average​
    Originality – 9/10 – Very original​
    OVERALL – 7.8/10 – Very good

    Reviewers notes – Keep up the good work Mick! :p

    Review for RH app
  17. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    B3NW, you gave this map 3/10 for originality partly due to the fact it was a remake and while Juncture is also a remake you didn't degrade the maps originality score or at the least make a mention of the fact it was a remake in the originality section?

    #17 Rifte, Jul 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2010
  18. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Juncture isn't a remake of anything?
  19. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought not, I felt real bad then as well! -.-

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