Download: This Simple Training yard is the graveyard for many and their secrets its only a matter of time before your lost forever. Hope ya'll ejoy this map Download: *Warning* Sliced Cheese Cuts
It is a good looking map from the pictures, but maybe you should go more in-depth with the description, and perhaps a weapon list with spawn times? The only thing I see that catches my eye is the boxes next to the sniper spawn, there is a gap between them and the walls. I'll have to come back to you on gameplay because I haven't checked it out yet, but from what I see, I think I'm gonna like it.
Im alittle confused.. you should take some overview shots.. I dont really think overshields and camos go good together in small maps.. I like that you added different levels around the map.. with different features everywhere..its just that theres too many camping spots. Like the sniper spawn.. you should open up the left side so that its not a one sidded entrance.
Looks like a good FFA map. From the pictures it doesnt look like you could really play much else other than slayer
Looks very well put together, although, from the pictures, it doesn't look like alot of weapons were placed.
Look pretty good, but there look like there is a lot of camping spots. I haven't checked it out but it doesn't look like there is many weapons on the map.
I did my best to balance the map evenly there is different weapon to balance each other, as for the sniper i made it a one sided entrance in order to prevent camping its really easy to chunk a nade in there and kill them, and for the overshield and camo i placed them there to spawn every 120 secs and not at the start and there are a variety of ways to combat thoes effects ex. mauler, needler, plasma pistol etc. --- There are actually quite a few I', sorry i didnt upload a weapons list i was in a hurry but i will put the list up ASAP --- The areas are small its not hard to prevent camping by just a few nades --- Yeah I really only make FFA maps/1v1 maps so i only really make them compatable for Slayer Every once and a while though ill make a Team Slayer or MLG map (I hate equipment though you will never see it on my maps) --- its really hard to take an overview of a map in foundry but ill do my best to put up more photos
How many people can this map hold and what gametypes is it setup for? I'm going to download it when I get home and I'll tryo to get a few games in on it. It looks quite interesting.
its really only good for slayer ive tryed 1v1's, 2v2's, and FFA's --- I'll put out a weapons list pritty soon, I'll have it up before the end of the day
VIDEO WILL BE MADE SOON. Enjoyment: Reconstruction was an average map. It didn’t create any new gameplay elements and didn’t maximize any other methods. I was told that the map worked with 2v2s, and when we tried it, it didn’t work great at all. We spawned in the middle of battles sometimes and even the starting spawns left us in view of other players. It was real annoying to spawn only to die again and the one gametype the map played, slayer, became boring quickly. Balance: The weapons were an okay balance. I don’t have a set list of weapons to look at, but I do know there was a sniper which was underpowered, and this may have been due to the height differences and closer areas The spawns were the major point of misbalance, though. We spawned in battles and even behind enemy players. Durability: The map was unbreakable from what we found. I can’t say too much more for breakability. Aesthetics: Reconstruction didn’t have any eye-catching aesthetics. Again filling the spot of a bland map, it was all play and no looks. Almost all of the map was cleanly forged, which is still a feat to this day, but it didn’t stand out at all for me. Originality: A large reason why I picked Reconstruction to review was because it was on Foundry. Foundry is a lost map now after Sandbox was released, and it was a pleasant surprise to see a map made in it. Although, that’s about all that is was original with. The gameplay was bland and the forging was clean but not eye catching. Enjoyment: 4/10 Balance: 3.5/10 Durability: 10/10 Aesthetics: 4/10 Originality: 6/10 27.5/50 Overall:
(^^^NOT HOW TO REVIEW A MAP^^^) While the overall layout has possibilites, there were a few places that were annoying and very hard to walk across, as well as two places that grenades can easily get lost in (especially around sniper.) Second, it feels like you just randomly placed weapons and spawns and didnt even bother to test them, which is just foolish. These are two of the most important things when building a map, you have to make them perfect otherwise people abosultly will not play your map. However, this takes a lot of practice to get it just correct so its not something you should get counted off for. Thirdly, the flow of the map, hands down the most important part, was too awkward. There were camping spots, and a dead end. Which is very bad, because it congests and retards the actual flow of the game. And finally, aesthetics are okay, but not fun. I didnt see anything cool and pretty... :,( Anyways, lets just say that if you had taken the time to get the spawns correct, and the weapons, then we could have a map that is about 100 times better. The overall layout is spectacular, minus a couple flaws, and i highly reccomend that you make a V2. Get somebody who is more experienced to help you with spawns, and you will be blown away by what you can achieve. PLEASE take the time to work on these things with your next map, okay? And next time you tell me that you think your forging talent is way better than mine, play one of my maps first Sacra Torre is hopefully coming out this week, and i want you to test it out before then, okay?
i agree with u it is blan if u carefully look at the ma tere is NO ghost merdging sadly i didnt even know wut it was when i made this map as for the breakability its actually REALLY easy to get out just a simple grenade jump um as for now i try to make maps on maps tht people usually pass up and ignore such as rigt now i have 2 projects on longshore, 1 on citidel (under top mid), 2 on avalanche, and one on ghost town. i hope to get those up soon for u to see I really like originality and i feel tht foundry and sandbox have been sucked dry so im trying to break tht even though i also have another one on foundry come to think of it lol nvm then um bu ea i hope to have them up soon --- --- its an old map before i knew how to ghost merdge im good at spawns now