Went on another biking/photo adventure today, after about 60 plus shots, only the five that consist in this panorama were worth keeping. (Bad exposure levels, focused incorrectly, other random little things that throw a photo off, etc) So, as a result I only had this one batch of photos to work with, which is completely fine with me, one success is better than no successes. Regardless, to prevent myself from rambling further... Look wif yo eyez naow. Comments/Criticisms Appreciated! Spoiler Original Retro Colour-Burst
Chocolate milk stream! I love panoramas. I also like how the picture goes from small bridge to medium bridge.
It is indeed a river made of chocolate. (I would have been in the picture swimming if that were the case) Thanks for the feedback.
it would be funny if you just the color pic and made it b and w but i dont think you did i think that you did a very nice job with the coloring it goes to sharply from orange to blue to orange under marqute rail trail if you know what i mean and your titles make no sense i think you switched retro and color burst the first makes sense though obviously
If I remember I'll do another version later tonight when I get home. I honestly don't know what you're saying. Also, the titles are above the image, not below, therefore, the titles are correct.