I read the tutorial in forging 101, and it helped alot.The only thing that is wrong with interlocking is that i cant put the object in the exact place i want it to be in. I tried it a few days ago and i interlocked two double boxes together, but i had moved the second box further forwars that the first. i tried moving it backwards but as soon as i clicked on it, it forced its way out of the other box. Also, i can never remember the exact spot to place the object while the other object hasnt respawned yet. The last problem is interlocking objects on top of eachother. If i got a double box and tried interlocking another double box halfway down, it wouldn't work, beacause as soon as i let it go it drops to the ground. Any tips are apprieciated.
You're just going to have to deal with remembering it. Sometimes I set up guidelines with other immovable objects; at the most extreme, I made a respawn area as my placeholder.