Alright, So I'm forging a complicated map, my best so far, but I'm having a little trouble. I placed one teleporter in a tube piece that is at an upward angle. I placed the other one (it's a two way node) in a tube piece that's angled downwards, that way when you go in one it looks like you come out at the same angle that you were initially traveling. Problem is, you can go in the teleporter in the tube that's angled upward to get to the other one, but when you try to go through the teleporter in the downward angled tube piece, it says "Teleporter Blocked". Id rather not move the tubes, is there anything I can do to fix this. Please explain this problem and provide the simplest solution. Thanks for the help!
Are they both two way nodes, or is one a sender node. A sender can send you through towards the two way node but the two way cannot send you back through to the sender node.
They're both two-way, and they're both on the ground of the tube pieces and have room above them from the remaining height of the tube piece.
I couldn't tell from your post but the two way nodes need to be standing up and need a little space above the very top of it. If they are laying on their side, going through it will say teleporter blocked most of the time unless it's out in the open.
Besides the issue of blocked teleporters, there's an inherent flaw with what you're trying to achieve. When you go through a teleporter you will always be facing forwards. So, even though your teleporter is at an angle, you will be looking straight ahead when you come out of it, meaning that you will not get the effect I believe you were going for.
Meh, i actually struggled for a while to "pin" teleporters in in the style of the Halo CE teleporters (like green squares rather than green lines?) You just have to tweak them around. I made a portal on my map Secrecy, and even though the receiver was on the floor, it used to make me teleport through a block huge above it and out the room.. Just tweak it around a bit until you get a satisfied effect. Alternatively set all the receivers to channel 9 or something, and spawn a sender outside the map so theyre on for decoration, then spawn the two way node inside it all so its camoflaged, it'll make a nice effect.
Maybe you could try turning them upside down and having the bottom sit face down on the floor hiding the rest below the tube, it should look like an upside down reciever node.
Alright, I asked a friend on XBL and he helped fixed it. To a certain extent it had to do with what buddhacrane said about still looking straight ahead an whatnot. Basically, the upward angle teleporter was blocked because when you went through, your head would have been in the wall where the back of the tube was. The teleporter was moved forward a little bit so that your head actually spawns in the tube. Thanks for all of the help!