OP is Shadowz O Death Original Thread is Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : VOTE Halo: Reach as Most Anticipated Game at E3!!! Hello everyone! If you don't know what E3 is, it's THE biggest event in the video game industry and only takes place ONCE A YEAR. GameSpot is currently holding a poll for the most anticipated games at this year's E3. To show your support, all I ask is to PLEASE take a few seconds out of your lives to vote for Halo: Reach. Yes, this may seem a little dumb, but EVERY SINGLE vote counts, and if everyone here participates, then we can make a BIG difference. To vote for Halo: Reach, please visit the following URL: http://e3.gamespot.com/readers-most-anticipated If you were kind enough to participate, please reply saying that you voted. Let's try to keep this thread going until E3 arrives on June 14th. LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!! ATTENTION FACEBOOK USERS:
No need for two threads? I already voted. (Other thread is up a directory, yeah wrong section but pretty plain to see)
Why must reach win? All you gotta care about is what you are most anticipating, seems stupid to me to turn this into a contest...