Me and mah barret, takin down ur killstreekz with 3 shawts YouTube - Destroy Harrier With 3 Shots? LOLWUT!!! I think I shot the gas tank or something
I think your second shot was the one that killed him. Anyway, somebody must have shot an at4 or something that doesn't destroy on first impact while you were dead.
IDK, I didn't hear any launchers on my turtle beaches, I can hear a silenced gunshot from across the map with those babies too. I also skipped the killcam, so there was like 5 seconds in between it being called down to me shooting it. My guess is just lag. EDIT: if you listen closely to right before I shot it, there is an explosion sound, is that an AT4 or an RPG or something? that would explain things lol.
At 19-20 seconds you can hear a some type of launcher if you listen very carefully. Also, from your angle, you can not see the whole harrier. Basically someone could have fired at it and you could not have seen the explosion perhaps?
An AT4 with stopping power won't kill a harrier, but will make it REALLY weak. Like, after I prestiged, my anti air class consisted of an AT4 and a scar with a grenade launcher. I'd hit it with the AT4, and then less than 5 bullets of the scar would kill it.