Holy ****, holy ****. You actually made, may I say it, ****'b'gone sigs. Allow me to give you a nice big thumbs up. The first one needs some c4d's to go behind her. That's your only problem. You NEVER EVER EVER put effects behind the render for some strange reason. Why? What dah shiz man. It could add a lot more depth.
I like the first one, the second one's pretty sick, but the little part to the left just doesn't appeal to me. Great job though, keep it up; you never disappoint.
They're both good, But I really wish the second didn't have that random section on the left... It's a massive disruption.
I literally just googled c4d lol here is the link tho 15 Brilliant Free C4D Packs you got to have | Creativeoverflow
I don't like the silver thing to the left of the second image. I think it breaks up the flow of it, and it almost looks like it is an accident that its there.
1st one: I don't like. 2nd one: Love it. The whole disintegration effect on the car looks really neat, and works well with the flow baby baby baby. Good job man, as always.