Velorium Camper

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by smm2010, May 23, 2010.

  1. smm2010

    smm2010 Ancient

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    Velorium Camper

    Velorium Camper is another track of mine built inside the crypt on Sandbox. Lately there has been a lack of variety on Sandbox, so I decided to rebel for a bit and create something unique. This track is centered upon on ancient pyramid that once housed the Forerunners, that is, until the Guardians took over and forced them to leave. The thing that makes this unique is that you can drive around the pyramid, on top of it on the multiple levels, and even drive inside of it!

    The Start

    First Turn/Ramp that leads up to the first level of the pyramid

    Tunnel on the Pyramid First Level

    Turn leading up to the second level of the Pyramid

    Arch Tunnel with my Gamertag Emblem (Smm)

    Final Turn on the second level of the Pyramid

    Entrance to the Shield-Door Elevator That Drops you to the Inside of the Pyramid/Finish Line

    Inside the Pyramid/Bottom of Shield-Door Elevator

    Exit the Pyramid

    First Tunnel on the Ground Level

    Second Tunnel on the Ground Level

    Third Tunnel on the Ground Level/Final Turn of the Racetrack


    Q: What inspired your creation?
    A: I wanted to be different for a change. I'm tired of the assumption that every track nowadays has to have banked turns, so I decided to rebel for a bit and create a unique track that has no banked turns whatsoever.

    Q: How long did it take you to create this track?
    A: A week and a half. After spending two days of constructing the track, on the third day it somehow deleted itself, causing me to start all over. But, in the end I was determined to construct the whole thing again, and now it is finally complete.

    Q: What aspect of the track took you the longest to make?
    A: The shield-door elevator. I had to constantly tweak it to make it perfect. I had to move gravity lifts to different places, along with the finish line.

    Note: There is a very small problem with the destination. Sometimes you can very slightly jump over it, causing you to not gain a point every time you go through it. There is a solution for that.
    Right before you reach the finish line, let off the gas so you can slow down and let the gravity lifts push you through it. I myself never had this problem, but I have raced on this with multiple people at once and they had this problem. Just follow this solution and you'll score your destination points.

    Download Velorium Camper : Halo 3 File Details
  2. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like the design. I think the more scenery that a track has, or the more story or character it has to it, the more enjoyable it is. Double-wide slopey tracks get old because they are continuous and monotonous.
  3. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    No offence but I could swear I've seen this before, like... MONTHS ago...
    So uhh, yeah I dunno what to say.
  4. Triarii

    Triarii Ancient

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    i really like the fact that it gradually rises and the more it rises the more scenery you see. the ending drop worked out very smoothly. the one problem that i had with the map is the final stretch which just felt a bit too bland, but thats just my opinion. btw, u put a f#(k load of self promoting in the scenery, it made me lol. nice job!!! (once again)

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