I only found this map because of your siggy. lol But im glad i found it. It looks HELLA fun to play. Message me if you would like to play this with me. GT: x7 im on fire 7 BTW you get a 8/10
something that i wanted to ask just as a question ( i havent downloaded yet, will do soon ) I do a lot of forging and a lot of " finding bugs glitches blar blar" one thing from looking at the picture you selected, and when you said ""The prowler spawn is inescapable. The zombie must enter the arena"" i thought id have a brief look..... turns out i found a glitch to get out of map. on first attempts this would be hard but youll find it easy to use once you master it. Basically this is what i call a " Vehicular boost " you have supplied us with a prowler, which is a resonably big vehical. Now with some good driving skill and co-ordination you will be able to leap out of the map. step 1) take the prowler and drive it so it hangs just over the edge, you'll have to do a lot of wieght balancing in order to get it just right 2) climb on the prowler trying not to push it out to the map and use it to move out into the middle 3) jump, easy as it sounds the jump can be very difficult to some players, you need to jump so u dont bonk your head, and jump so u hit the edge of the map Very good map, Im still trying to work out how the blocks de-spawn, is it they spawn at start but once moved they dissappear when left alone?
Puh hum. necropost? You have to actually work to escape the map. The only person you hurt when you do so is yourself. You don't get any points. It is easier for the humans to live. And there are more kills for the other zombie. It matters more that the map is inescapable for the humans than that it is inescapable for the zombies. Good job though. I never thought of that happening myself. The blocks despawn because their respawn time is set to "never." They spawn at the start of the game. They sit until they are moved by one of the prowlers. They time out and despawn thirty seconds after they are moved. They do not respawn until the next round.
Well, because the thread was necro-posted an it brought me to the attention of this map, it looks pretty good, although I found how it could be cheated on. If the last man standing ride in the side of a prowler and doesn't get out, he can't be killed because he can't be splattered nor assassinated.
to the guy who made the necropost about the map being escapable, thanks for that information. I really needed to know just how gamebreaking it is when a zombie doesn't actually enter the arena in a prowler like they are supposed to, especially considering the exact same thing happens when they are away, or when they jump in the arena on foot. I mean, really, at least read the other comments to make sure you are not posting anything redundant, or entirely worthless. As I said before, by escaping the map or getting out of your prowler, you are only hurting yourself. Can the last man really get into te passenger seats? I have to go check that...
You said they could get into the side seats of the prowlers, did you not? That means they can sit in it until the round is over and they can't be killed even if the zombies get out.
This looks really fun and creative. It reminds me of Splatter fest a little bit, but with giant boxes sliding around. Looks tough for the Humans to survive, the odds look against them...
Oh, I'm sorry. I see what you mean. That was my bad. I just worded that part of my post horribly. I'm surprised you're the first person to notice that and say anything about it. Humans can't actually ride in the passenger seats of the prowlers. I can't believe I used that word. I meant that they can stand on the sides of them, making it difficult for the prowler being ridden on to kill the humans standing on it. The best way to kill anyone using that tactic is for the other prowler to drive into the side of its teammate's prowler where the humans are standing to splatter them off of it. Uh... yeah. It actually is quite difficult to survive until the end, but it isn't anywhere near impossible.
Very fun minigame map, the only recommendation I have is to remove health regenteration from the last man, but thats only a minor inconvenience.