The Weekend Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, May 21, 2010.

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  1. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    The Weekend Thread is a thread to share what you are going to do or what you did for the weekend. This thread will only be open on the weekends, which means that it will be open when I open it on Friday and it will close Sunday night before I open the Monday thread(do not post about your weekend in the Monday thread from here on out).

    The posts in this thread should only relate to your weekend, feel free to post at any time during the entirety of your weekend. You may post once a day or even simply once on Sunday explaining what you did on your weekend.

    This thread was suggested by CaMOfo in the Monday thread, except it's open for the entire weekend.
  2. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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    Same as foyoman. We dont have lives.
  3. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    This isn't a joke and this thread is sure not in Off Topic, if you post in this thread thinking this is off topic, and make a post with no attempt of making an actual non spam post you will be infracted from here on out.

    This isn't that hard, if you don't have anything legitimate to say, don't say any thing at all. Actually if you're not doing anything as of Friday, wait to Sunday to post, you never know if you might do something.
    #3 Agamer, May 21, 2010
    Last edited: May 21, 2010
  4. Foyoman

    Foyoman Forerunner

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    Today I went grocery shopping, tomorrow I'm staying home and on Sunday I'm going out with friends.
  5. HaterSkater15

    HaterSkater15 Ancient
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    I have a baseball game tomorrow afternoon. Going to be playing video games for the next hour. Sunday, not sure what I'm doing that day. Will probably relax.
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Started off the day by recovering from beer pong last night. First day of summer bitches. I ate pizza and played risk. I chilled. Then went to a festival for a few minutes. Chilling since. Not sure for the rest of the weekend. Chilling/Partying for the next 2 and a half months.
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Yesterday was the first day of my weekend. I played Alan Wake.
    Today I helped paint my grandparents' fence and got $40 for my troubles. I also trolled a kid on Facebook. Was funny.
    Tomorrow and the rest of the long weekend, absolutely nothing... I don't think.

  8. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Friday, smoking L's, playing beer pong.
    Saturday, oxycodone in the morning, marijuana for lunch and beer pong for dinner.
    Sunday, hangover. Work. Clean up.

    i feel so shitty right now.
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Well maybe if you weren't so damn high all the time...
    Anyway, this weekends goin' pretty good. Just got Splinter Cell Conviction, it's fun to be a ninja. Probably gonna play that for the rest of the weekend.
  10. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    If this thread was started three weeks ago, I had some super, crazy weekend stories. This weekend, I seriously didn't do ****.

    Friday- School in my short shorts and headband, all following dresscode. I had people taking pictures and had my classrooms cracking up, also had a few people ask about my sexuality. -_- The rest of the day I sat at home because I was waiting for my girlie to get home from prom.. that was painstaking.

    Saturday- Re-did my tattoo and had an amazing phone call, lmao. Later that night we got a new router and I was able to get on the internet.

    Sunday- No one is working today, so probably hang out with people on the street. Borinf ****. :p
    #10 CaMOfo, May 23, 2010
    Last edited: May 23, 2010
  11. V

    V Ancient
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    Haha sounds like a solid weekend.

    Lol nice shorts. That takes some security in one's manhood. I respect that.

    Anyways, my weekend:
    Friday - Played real life clue in literature class first period, played pac-man on google with my friends in fourth period study hall while my study hall teacher, who just happens to be my lit teacher, laughed at the sheer awesomeness of it and eventually joined us. Just BS'ed around in ninth period chem about classic rock with my chem teacher and played euchre all of tenth period in pre-calc. Fun stuff. Came home, played Red Dead with my buddy til the wee hours of the morning.

    Saturday - Woke up after an hour nap at 7am. Went to help out with my sister's city track meet, I coach the long jumpers for her grade school track team. Got done in like two hours, then went to my friends lacrosse game. Afterwords, me and a couple friends went over to one of their houses where we watched the first four episodes of DBZ blazed out of our ****ing minds and feasting on Five Guys burgers and fries. The sweet thing is the kid's mom is cool with it (us smoking) because she used to do it when she was younger so she just makes sure we don't do anything ridiculously stupid.

    Sunday - Go to church, mow grandma's lawn, study for finals and prepare to stay sane til Wednesday (last day of finals), so I can have my dad's Explorer to drive my friends and I down to Cedar Point on Thursday.
  12. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    Friday i went to 3OH3 concert with friends, pretty good, mad shenanigans
    Saturday was for grad parties, more shenanigans
    Sunday is probably homework, but we'll see
  13. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Let's see...

    Friday we went to a party with my fiancee's coworkers. We brought the pup and she got car sick on the way. Then she spent hours playing with their two german shephards that tuckered her out real good.

    Saturday we were able to sleep in till 10 when I actually had to wake up the pup cause she was so tired. Then we drove up to Fort Collins to sign the paperwork to formally adopt her.

    We then went to Left Hand Brewing Company and got some delicious beers. Came back home and had some Buffalo Wild Wings. Went out to Bull & Bush brewery with some friends in the evening.

    Pretty fun weekend so far. Gotta clean the kitchen today :(
  14. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Saturday I spent half of the day cleaning up my computer desk..
    God, I have absolutely nothing to do... And I gotta move my Xbox back to my computer today.
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Well, I didn't do much Friday. I chilled at my house. I chilled at my friends house Saturday till like 7. His cousin is pretty much a drug dealer. I didn't smoke though because I had to drive and go home. I picked up another friend and we chilled at my house till 10. Then we went to a party, but it was kind of boring. I couldn't drink because I drove and people who would tell my mom where there haha. I played beer/smirnoff pong though but my partner drank all our cups. I had to be home at 12, so I left at 11:53. Haha chillin today.
  16. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Were you Coach Frank :p?

    Friday I hung out with people, mostly friends, got my friend a birthday present (It's a smoking pipe) When I was getting it from my favorite tobacco store, I asked for a pipe and the store clerk pulls out a bunch of bowls, and I'm like ****, no, that's not what I want, but thanks.

    Saturday I had work :I

    Sunday I went to the mall to get my sister a birthday present, and picked up a hat and some new sunglasses as well while I was out.

    Now I'm awaiting to meet my friends new nephew whom I'm going to become his fake uncle.
  17. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    So I'll make my first contribution to the thread....

    Friday I pretty much just chilled the entire day and night. I really didn't do much....all I can remember was I played a couple games of NBA 2K10 and the UFC demo with my step brother...and that I went to sleep early.

    Saturday I woke up early so I can go look for a car....I spent from 9 in the morning till like 8 at night looking for a car. It was such a pain in the ass, we drove over 150+ miles going to several dealers and several private owners. Around 8 p.m. my dad decided we would try one more place. So we go to this Chevy dealership about ten minutes from my house, and when we pulled up we saw a beautiful Chevy Blazer pulled out in front.

    I thought it looked ****ing great, but I totally didn't even consider the fact that there was no way in hell that the salesmen was going to be able to drop the price to where we needed it.... So knowing that the car was 3000 dollars over what my dad was going to spend, I test drove it anyway....we came back to the dealership and negotiated and the Salesman got the price to be 5000 out the door! which was what are limit was and he dropped the price by 3000 dollars...

    So the highlight of my Saturday was getting my first car.

    And today, I woke up, I washed my truck, mowed the lawn, and played some 2v2 basketball and **** was crazy and it was so damn hot and it still is 90+ degrees out. I'm going to eat dinner now, then chill and relax and watch my recorded Blackhawks game, they better sweep the ****ing Shorks hahaha...
  18. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Party on Friday, it was retarded though because the host called the police on his own party so it ended at 10. Went to my friend's house the rest of the night, went home at 1 and got up again at 11. Spent the earlier part of the day working out with friends, then spent the rest of the evening playing xbox.

    Today, I climbed a really big rock (10ish meters tall) in Okotoks an hour drive away. I actually met some people there that I knew, and spent about 3 hours climbing several different routes up.

    This was my favorite problem (and definitely the most challenging one I could do)
    I got a haircut today as well.

    Not a bad weekend overall.
  19. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    If you need to call the police on your own party, those people aren't your friends.

    And they are using you.
  20. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I've been having a great weekend so far and I totally forgot about this thread, well now it's open!

    I'll make my post tomorrow since it's already 4:37 am...
    and it's my birthday too haha
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