Hi there this is Kog Death with a new Nationals map on sandbox! Roundtop National features all the main features of National maps including one huge jump and many other jumps just not as large. Link to Map: http://www.bungie.ne...ileid=110279924 Overview First Jump Link to Map: http://www.bungie.ne...ileid=110279924 Second Jump Link to Map: http://www.bungie.ne...ileid=110279924 Link to Map: http://www.bungie.ne...ileid=110279924 Start of Big jump Landing of Big Jump Link to Map: http://www.bungie.ne...ileid=110279924 Drop off Link to Map: http://www.bungie.ne...ileid=110279924 Link to Map: http://www.bungie.ne...ileid=110279924 working on my second track, much better than this one.
More pics would be very helpfull for a racetrack.. wait.. some pics arent working. Vid would also be more helpfull..
I really like the look of a map with multiple jumps. What exactly is Nationals? is it a gametype, or type of race map? The light under the jumps is a good idea
I give you kudos for trying to make a Nationals map, but, sadly, this isn't one of the better ones out there. The jumps didn't work as often as most other Nationals jumps do, and many of the other parts didn't work very well, either. And since Nationals maps are all about flow, this was quite devastating to the gameplay. Overall, it was an okay map, and I hope you take this criticism as inspiration to make your next track the best it can be. I know these kinds of maps are hard, but they are so much fun if you can get them to work right the majority of the time.
The first jump in Cliffside works almost every time. The big jumps in Diamondback also work very well the majority of the time. I was just saying that the jumps in this one could work more often than they do.
the only problem is my big jump is going maximum speed. I tested the jump at different heights and landings and the one I have works the best. The only solution I can think of is smaller jump or arched landing.
I got bored today and gave this track another go. This time the jumps worked a lot better. I must have just been unlucky when I raced it before. Anyway, with the jumps working, this is a quite good Nationals track. I can't wait for you to finish up your new track.
Kog, I finally tried this out and think it's alright, I know how you feel of making a jump at full speed lol, good job though. Hope you and purple do a good job on you're new one.
It's a pretty fun map. I don't think people would find is as fun or they would think that map quality is poor if they have never seen a motocross track or never have watched it. Also the last corner there is a gap that goes outside the map and is really confusing. It's right by the finish line, you may want to fix that.
After tryign the map out with some friends, I can say the map seems a bit sloppy and bumpy in some parts making the driving a little uncontrolable. The barriers are also not really "barriers, they do not sure the purpose that well.