Read this comment again when you are checking for Comments you othrtwo Maps. That's just a guess, but the time I take for making a Thread would be enough for you to make 70. I spend 4 hours of my life to make the Thread for eden, I know, you mightthink 'Well, **** you Sir, I have better things to do in my freetime, I could watch Porn for 3 hours, go outside with my imaginary Dog or get myself a Grifball 50' and you are right. The problem is, you have some really nice looking Maps here and your Thread just looks rushed and boring. This makes me just want to leave a bad comment instead of looking at you 1 picture, I want to see the Details before I download something, otherwise I don't know weather it's worth downloading or not. Take some time before you post something. I know you want to show your Map to everyone, we all feel the same, that's why we are here, but a nice looking Thread is the first step for people to look at your map, t download it and to leave critisism in order for you to improve. Please add at least 5 pictures to your Threads, you would make me and some others very happy with this. A good Map doesn't deserve a bad Thread. Edit: Welcome to ForgeHub =)
you have some cool maps that im going to download today its just i would like if there were a few more pictures so i know what im going to be playing on
Wow, Forgehub Rates Threads now! Wow that F**king Retarded. Doesn't matter if there isn't enough pics or if it was rushed. to me it feels like it has been rushed, But I dont think the same when I see it in the pics. The Map looks awesome. Even though your thread is up to Standards *Cough* *Cough* LD. This is really amazing. Besides, Everyone should give him a break, He's a god damn Rookie. I am total downloading this map. However, Im kinda confused on the others. Emmm, Oh Well. Nice Map Pack! 10/10!
Looks beautiful, I'd love some more pictures though. Me being a beloved banshee fan, I'm forced to give this a download I'll give you my review after the beta.
devil you right the thread doesn't have to be high quality but the better the thread the more people will download it , aside from that this map looks great ill take a beter look in forge til then 3/5
No, ForgeHub doesn't rate Threads, neither do I, since he's a rookie I criticized the way he posts his Map in order to help him with making them more appealing the next time. If you think this is retarded, go spend a day in a kindergarten for disabeld and then use the term as an insult again ... I accept that your oppionion is different, and you are satisfied with one picture, but I am not. I know that he's a 'god damn Rookie', that's why I tried to help him, because his first Map is better than your latest *Cough* *Couch* Devil95, but your Thread is better, and that's something I don't understand. Some bad Map's have really good Threads, more people stay to take a look at it, more people download it. But some good Maps, like this one, have really bad Threads, not many people take a look at it and so on. A huge part in Mappresintation is the way you sell it, if your Maps name is bad, there won't be as many peple who look at it in the first place. But if they visit your Thred, you have to have something to keep them interessted, a great Fist picture, lots of informations (including Pictures, a Overview, CutAway Shots, Weapon List ...), some random facts. You have to remember that you have to 'sell' something to the people, you want them to 'buy' your 'product'. Maybe it's just me, I spend a lot of time with advertiing, since it's kind of my job, but the way to present something is the first step to 'sell' it, it's the same with maps, as it is with products in the supermarket.
yeh could you add some more info on the map like weapon placement ect. maby some background on the designing aswell.
no one is trying to buy anything its a god damn dl its not an investment in your future, also for someone who trashes people, calling them no lives, you sure spend alot of time critizing them, he's new lay off. This map is great, its one of the best map i've seen posted by someone new. It looks like it has good gameplay and cover, Also spellcheck I use it.
What? Am I the only one who gets what LD is talking about? I like the map, but a weapons list, more screenshots, action shots, perhaps some background and a supported gametypes list makes a thread a good one. A single screenshot is also not enough for me, I would like a better presentation for this thread. But everyone is like 'RAGE!' 'He's a god damn rookie!'. And that's why LD was giving him tips on his thread so there will be more appeal from the public and on his pretty amazing map.
But you have to get people to download it ... I haven't trashed anyone did I? If so I'm sorry I did. But I'm pretty sure I didn't call anybody 'no lives', also Eyes, I use them ... Thanks to Benji for beeing the only one who is able to read, everyone who thinks I 'trashed someone', read again, you are right, I critizise him and I took a lot of time doing so, but is critisism something bad? And sorry for the spelling mistakes, how many foreign langauges do you speak?
Sure... what you're saying LD makes a lot of sense... and it does help him by getting all the noobs of forgehub to say things like "cool map bro, 5/5" and the other non-noobs to get a better idea of how to play it when they do download it. However, these thread's are mainly for giving feedback on the map. Not the map post. So if you don't feel like downloading it based off of the one picture (which is an overview of the map) that he posted then don't do it. No need to explain to him in this thread how to better his map posting abilities. Save that for a PM or VM. Oh, and if you do feel like replying to this, PM me about it. So, asides from my own "off-topicness" I think I'll actually download this and give it a look at in forge... I doubt I'd be able to get a game on it so I'll just do that.
nice! but i noticed that there arent that many guard rails, that will make people freak when playing especially if theyre lucky enough to dodge a rocket but then accidently walk off of your map. nice asymetry by the way! hope to see more from you soon