Nice.. very creative with the arch structure. At first I thought this was symmetrical You should take a closer picture of the bases and the rest of the map. This is the second map, that I have to say.. TOO OPEN!
...You might want to add more info than "made by so-and-so". Weapon lists, a playable gametypes list, and more specific pics are somethings that should probably be included.
Definitely add a description and weapon list to the post. Besides this, The center structure looks nice, but the two bases look sloppy and the open space in the middle will play terribly. The ability to see directly from one base to the other is generally bad unless confined to a small part of the bases such as a sniper tower, or the roof. The choppers will utterly dominate all the open spaces.
I like that you did a lot of original asymetric structure and ghost merged, its a nice touch. But it need more cover, its WAY to open!