My first map released on Forge hub is what I believe is my best! Important links Ro%20P%20Pimpman contains 1 Needler 2 Snipes 3 BRs and many duals Uses interlocking and has few escape routes
It looks like a good concept, maybe adding another level on top would have made it a blast to play. Ill dl if you embed pictures to give a bit more of a preview
woah... that looks great. went to the bungie link. by the way though, your second link brings users to THEIR recent screen shots.... you gotta fix that. but woah... nice.
This map looks great, make sure that you fix the images. 1. Go to 2. Hit "browse" and select the desired image from your pictures folder 3. Hit "host" (you may have to give the site a valid email) 4. Double click the image on the next page 5. Copy and paste the "direct link" (furthest link from the top) into your post Happy forging - Flymingo
this does look pretty good lots of interlocking used and lots of nice cover i would consider condensing it and flipping the crates over for a smooth surface
Tead the below thread to learn how 2 post teh map.