Sticky Origin of your Gamertag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. ElementNineteen

    ElementNineteen Ancient
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    I always get questions about my gamertag, haha. If not, then it's usually my teammates wondering what the nineteenth element is.

    ElementNineteen is potassium. But the number, which came from my youthful fascination of the element, is even more significant. If you've seen the move The Number 23, then you know what I'm talking about.

    Other than that, potassium is a metal, meaning that it's durable, it's an alkali, meaning that it's explosive, and it's the lightest metal of them all, making it 'quick.' All of this conveys to video games, you see.
  2. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Poztar is the word I involuntarily yell when I climax.
  3. ElementNineteen

    ElementNineteen Ancient
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    Hahahahaha. So you figured, getting an Overkill in Halo is a similar action, right?
  4. FreshLegend

    FreshLegend Ancient
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    i guess ill go through all my gts....
    my olddddd gt was xxWillHelmxx.... cause my friends called me willhelm since my name is will.
    then that account got screwed over.
    so i made "CappyWombat"... which my friend and i randomly came up with.
    Then FreshLegend, which came from the term "Fresh Til Death", and legend sounded cool.
    Then it became willhelmBMTH. again, the willhelm, and BMTH from the band BringMeTheHorizon

    Now its NewBreed0Killer, coming from the band name "A Different Breed Of Killer".
  5. OrcheIium

    OrcheIium Ancient

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    My gamertag of late has a mediocre history. I used to be a major fan of the Kingdom Heart video game series. One aspect of the game was the ability to "synthesize" materials into weapons, equipment, items, etc... Anyway, one rare material was called Orichalcum, and yes I know this has a far older and larger history than just the KH series, this is simply where I found out about it myself. When I went to make my first Xbox Live gamertag I tried to recall the spelling of Orichalcum, and misspelled it Orchelium. Since then I have made several new accounts, the most recent of which was OrcheIium... the capital I looks very similar to the lower case L (l) in gamertags, thus it read the same as the original.
  6. Loud

    Loud Ancient
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    My gamertag means alot to me. (eXo). This name means so much to me because it is a baseball bat and i have played baseball for 11 years of my life and have been successful in it so far. So my gamertag actually has a meaning to it unlike some people. :)
  7. Prosper

    Prosper Ancient
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    When I was 12, the book "The Thief Lord" came out. I read it, liked it. The main character's name was "Prosper". Since I was twelve I've used that for any time I created some new name for an email, account etc.. The only time I haven't is when I used ErinGoesMoo, because a friend of mine named Erin went moo. . .
  8. MattLoaf

    MattLoaf Ancient
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    Some guy randomly called me MattLoaf in school, hence II MattLoaf II. [My first GamerTag was MattLoaf15 as I was fifteen years of age when I got Xbox LIVE. I also made my Halo 3 service tag M15 to go with it and it's still the same since I made it, the end of 2007.]
  9. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Crypto and Apocalypse. Need more?
  10. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    Indigo and Beef. Need more?
  11. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    I wanted to change my gamertag. I had two that I thought sounded decent so I asked my sister what one I should choose. She said Chronik. Few days later it came to my attention that it meant weed. Since then I've got the occasional "are you a stoner" question by other XBL members. I'll make sure I never ask for her opinion on something ever again. -.-
  12. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Vincent: For Vincent Van Gogh
    Torre: From a lecture I went to where they described Torre as the root for Deterrence and they defined it as "To scare someone beyond them being capable of functioning"
  13. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

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    Valor: I use Valor because it means brave.
    1204: Its my birthday
  14. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    What's wrong with being a stoner?

    Anyway, my gamertag came from a cartoon called Cat Face, specifically Episode 15 when the ending says, "Silly Box Cat," instead of the normal, "Silly Cat Face". Box Cat is Cat Face's sidekick, btw.
  15. MontageMedia

    MontageMedia Ancient

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    Mine came from my cousin. I burnt my self and said "OW" so my baby cousin started screaming. "Conner's on fire!!!" So I said "Yep, Im on fire." and laughed. So when it came time for a new GT my friend said something about fire and I rembered what I said that day.
  16. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    Originally my gamertag was DarkFire925 because my friend Deathfire925 (now That Kid Beto) wanted me to join his clan. One day I recovered my account onto his hard drive and I forgot my password (stupid I know). I then made a new tag which i called DarkFire014 because I wanted to stick with DarkFire and at the time I was 14. After a year, the clan had disbursed and I had grown rather tired of my tag. For weeks I tried so hard to think of a descent gamertag that would fit me. Eventually I gave up. Then one day we were playing SnD on Cod 4. I single handedly wiped out everyone except for the last guy. He killed me because I messed up in the stupidest way. After I had messed up, my friends said, "that was ironic as hell!" Then it hit me! Irony! Instantly I changed my tag to Oo iRoNy oO because I thought it looked cool that way, and it has stuck with me since.
    #796 Oo iRoNy oO, Apr 16, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2010
  17. Tom The Turtle

    Tom The Turtle Forerunner

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    When i was going to change my gamertag, I was looking at the Xbox Live's recommendations and i came across a gamertag titled: TechnicalWalnut. I started laughing and instantly knew it would be the right gamertag.
  18. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I has a funny story. So we'll start with Kuroda. I took my real name, Matt, and put it through google translator. After going through several languages and ending in Japanese, I got Kuroda. I then translated it back into English, and got Black Rice Patty. Oh well, Kuroda sounded cool. And then Rorak is gibberish.
  19. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    My gamertag is the name of the main antagonist in a game I'm making. Organite, the soul eater.
  20. mefire66

    mefire66 Ancient
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    My gamer-tag is mefire66 and I got "mefire" from after seeing Balrog in lord of the rings when I was like 6...

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