Sandbox Powerhouse H3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by A Fluffy Pillow, May 18, 2010.

  1. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    Powerhouse H3
    So, the Halo: Reach beta has come and gone, and I guess we’ll just have to wait out the grueling months until the final game releases…oh wait, that’s what I’m here for—Allow me to attempt to provide you some minimal comfort amidst our tragic loss. Welcome to the reimagination of the Halo: Reach Beta map, Powerhouse.
    This map began upon seeing the very first concept art for Halo: Reach. From that first picture a very unoriginal idea sprang forward. So the map started and I spent hours looking back and forth between the concept art and my TV screen. Pretty soon I realized the map was going to have to be loosely based on Powerhouse because of the fact that I was burning through objects like crazy and that I could only see so much through the one picture. Nonetheless progress continued. By the time other pictures and even beta came out, I basically knew how I was going to finish the map. Eventually I finished after at least 100 hours of forging and testing.
    Game play:
    Supported Players: 4 v 4 and 5 v 5
    Welcome to Powerhouse—well, sort of. Gameplay on the map ranges for the hectic, close-range battles inside the powerhouse to mid-range BR fights across the bottom road. The shotgun can be found centered inside the house, which you can expect to be constantly occupied. Another place the gameplay gravitates towards is the ghost and rocket spawns. The ghosts spawn on opposite corners of the map. They orbit the map around the center house in a rather large circle. Ghosts can cross into the building through the first floor, but are blocked form the second and third floors. The rocket launcher is perfectly situated as well. At the beginning each game is an amazing struggle to control the rocket launcher. Obtaining the rockets is hard, but getting away alive is even harder. The rockets are found in the plugged up pipe of the river. If you jump in the river, you will die because of the skybubble’s death barrier. The only way to get you and your shiny new rocket launcher out to safety is to jump across stepping stones to the end of the river, and the entire time you will be exposed to enemy fire. The risk is great, but it is certainly worth taking, as the team that gets it will have no trouble dealing with the other team’s ghost.
    Weapons List and Supported Game Types:
    Weapons list:
    Weapon/ Number on Map/ Clips/ Respwan Time

    Battle Rifle/6/30 and 45/2
    Rocket Launcher/1/120/1
    Plasma Grenades/8/10/N/A
    Ghost /2 /120/ N/A
    Supported Game types: ​
    This map supports every game type. Recommended and well tested game types would include: Team Slayer, Mutliflag, One Flag, King of the Hill, and Assault. The other game types have only been tested to make sure spawns are correct. All necessary objectives should be there but the locations have not been refined by testing.
    Overview Shot:
    Blue Low Corner:
    Inside the House:
    Grass High Corner:
    Red Low Corner:
    Attackers’ Base:
    Inside Blue Base:
    Stepping Stones:
    Symmetrical Dam:
    Asymmetrical Dam:
    Action Shots:
    Give Us Back Our Flag!
    Rocket > Ghost:
    Hectic House:
    Quick Note about Custom Games and Stuff:
    Hey, before ending this post I just wanted to leave a quick message that anyone who wants to can add me (Tiamat8). I’m up for customs basically anytime as long as I’m not obsessing over a new map of mine and I am sick of the 10 year old losers currently on my friends list. I’ve always wanted to get more involved in this community, and I feel like now would be a great time.
    Download (Again):
  2. KyleRidesDinos

    KyleRidesDinos Forerunner

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    OMG i just **** myself, good map though. I cannot see how someone made this so fast!
  3. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Is it just me or is this not very accurate at all...
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Im concerned. While everyone is playing the real powerhouse, you were on Halo 3 making a replica? You are missing out on the beta action!

    Although there are a few places that do not look exact, the map is still really nice and I gotta cut you some slack because recreating hills and nature is incredibly difficult to do with a bunch of blocks. Nice work!
  5. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Yeah it doesnt look like powerhouse at all.

    I dont think anybody could make a remake because of the map size.
    You are missing lots of side buildings and stuff.

    But if this wasnt a remake it would still be an okay map.
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I knew it was going to happen, (but honestly I thought I'd see Sword Base first.) and I was really hoping it wouldn't happen, Halo: Reach remakes in Halo 3.

    Reach has many many different aspects from Halo 3, as we are all well aware, getting a Reach map to play as well as it does in reach, on Halo 3, is a daunting task, one that I personally feel cannot be accomplished. This map obviously lacks a lot of ground area, (being that the original is waaaay larger than anything we'd ever hope to recreate on Sandbox.) but putting that aside you do have some similarities throughout.

    I really don't think that the gameplay is going to follow through with this, however, I will download it and play it in the next customs night we have after the Beta. I'll try to remember to post my opinions.
  7. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I think the map was designed and forged before the beta was out, because I remember seeing a map preview for this about a month ago. I would assume that the only inspiration is from the concept art.
  8. A Fluffy Pillow

    A Fluffy Pillow Ancient
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    Thank you, cory021. I don't get what's so hard about that. I said many times that this map is loosely based on the beta powerhouse. This re-imagination does hail back to the first concept art, which is why I am still calling it powerhouse. I did start this map with the idea to premake powerhouse (because that was before even the first real picture of the map was out), but imagination and many other factors ran their course and it is no longer an exact remake. After reading the first paragraph, I don't see why anyone would still be expecting an exact brick-for-brick remake. However, I am willing to change the thread title to Powerhouse Reimagination. Would that work better?
  9. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    No not Powerhouse Reimagination. I think you are better off calling it a map name instead with a name with the word "Powerhouse" in it. Then in the map description you can explain that it is the 1st concept art with imagination combined into one.
  10. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I like how many people missed the fact that this was adapted from the concept art, and is not in fact a direct remake.

    lolz @ noobs

    On topic, looks awesome, the changes in asymmetric and symmetric game play via the dam looks extremely interesting. I planned to comeback to H3 for a while now, so I'm gonna check this one out. Nice job.
  11. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
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    That map is insane, even if it not exactly like powerhouse. Great forging, clean merging, and I would'nt mind if powerhouse looked like that ;P.
  12. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I didn't miss that, regardless of whether or not this is supposed to be a remake, reimagination, or adaptation from concept art, I really don't feel that it will play well being that Reach is incredibly different from H3. I hope I am wrong and it does play well, I just don't think that it will.

    Edit: You should include a better overview screenshot.
    #12 Noxiw, May 18, 2010
    Last edited: May 18, 2010
  13. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    I have a question on gameplay and a compliment for the end.

    I amy be wrong, but judging from the pictures, it seems that the rocket is only accessible by stepping stone, which would make getting the rockets back onto the map a sneaky job and a death trap.

    The map looks stunning and I really do wish I could play it but Im not home. I have not gotten to try out the Reach Beta, so I have an unblemished mind without any preconceptions, and I want you to know that this map can stand alone as what appears to be a really cool map, aside from what looks like small pathway hanging over nothing behind the House.
  14. GFORCE137

    GFORCE137 Forerunner

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    This IS a very nice forge map, but I must say, it is not exactly accurate, however, it seems like a BETTER map layout! I have to DL to find out myself.
  15. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    Definitely not accurate. I mean it looks fine and all, but this is not even close to what Powerhouse looks like. Nor plays like, considering there is a Ghost on it.

    EDIT: missed the adaption, but regardless, it doesn't look (IMO) like it would play all to well. It looks very open and doesn't look like it would play well for competitive gameplay.
    #15 superduper66, May 19, 2010
    Last edited: May 19, 2010
  16. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Alright, now that I've played it... let me throw down some thoughts for you, keep in mind, this isn't meant to be conceived as if I am yelling at you that this sucks, more of a, "you should really consider changing some things".

    First and foremost, this is not powerhouse, I know that you say it is a "loose interpretation of the original concept art", which is completely cool with me, but literally, the only similarity that I can find in this map is the two bridges over rockets, and the trench rocket spawn itself. The rooms, the low ground, the high ground, and just about every other aspect of the map doesn't really recreate the feeling that Reach's powerhouse gives off, it just feels like an original map. While this isn't a bad thing, I feel that this map would be accepted by a wider range of people if you said there are "Powerhouse influenced aspects", rather than a recreation. (This is just my opinion, take it if you wish.)

    One thing you really do need to address is your spawn system, I can think of MULTIPLE instances that I would spawn and be confused. Perfect examples are spawns that drop you to another level (your Powerhouse building), spawns facing walls, spawns pointing you off the map, and spawns with limited route options. As a generally rule of thumb, you always want to have spawns facing the respective teams objective, for example, in capture the flag, all the spawns should generally be facing the the enemies flag, that way when you spawn, you can instantly see the way-point of the opposing team's flag. Obviously you can bend this rule, if there are rooms or areas of a map that just don't make any sense to have spawns pointed in a particular direction, (for example, a ledge, dropdown, wall or other obstruction are present) then don't do it. You can still have spawns in the area, just place them sensibly. After placing a spawn, always always always, go into spartan mode and act as if you are spawning in that particular spawn point. (Stare at your feet, line yourself up facing the direction it is pointing, and look up so your camera is completely horizontal.) Now walk forward. Again, a general rule is to leave yourself three seconds of time walking forward before walking into an object. (When players spawn, the natural thing to do is walk forward, and when you walk forward into a wall, or off the map, frustration occurs) How does it feel when you spawn on that particular spawn point? Can you get your orientation quickly? Can you tell which way you're going to go? Are there multiple options in terms of direction? Do you feel safe, or do you feel like you're about to die again? Do you feel confused? These are all questions that you should ask yourself upon placing every spawn point, especially when you (no offense) obviously don't have as much experience in that area. Later on down the road when you get the hang of it spawns will come much more naturally and it won't take nearly as long.

    Another note is the rocket spawn, I like the idea of needing to jump on rocks to get back and fourth, but in this map, it just does not work. You have to remember that while in games, players will have no reference on the height of your map, in other words, players are going to walk on the ground, not knowing it's under the grid, and die. Frustration much? I think mass amounts of yes. Especially since players will go into this thinking it's based off Powerhouse, and in Reach's powerhouse, you can walk in that canal.

    I don't really remember what the weapon layout is, other than rockets, So I am not going to comment on that.

    The map itself needs to have a better flow to it, I found myself often frustrated on how I had to "go here to get there" most notably the roof of the powerhouse itself, which (to my knowledge) you can only access via the mancannon. Giving the players the high ground and forcing lower ground players to try to repeatedly kill him with one available route is a massive annoying hiccup in gameplay.

    I apologize if at any point in this I come off as rude, I assure you I write this with the utmost sincerity, maybe refine your ideas, and try to improve it. Hope this helps.
  17. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    Ok I have the feeling poeple these days are idiots due to the fact its from the concept art. "This map began upon seeing the very first concept art for Halo: Reach. From that first picture a very unoriginal idea sprang forward"
    "idiots, learn to read a for once than judging by the pictures post"
  18. Inimical I am

    Inimical I am Ancient
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    I like your natural structures and interlocking, very nice! But your map doesnt really replicate powerhouse, for a version 2 what if you built it in the crypt? Im sure my cousin 116clique would be willing to help you, he's obsessed with forging
  19. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    It is a really sweet looking map, and i know due to the concept art it aint perfect, but i feel like you could just keep the rockets (but make it so you dont die and take out the behind part of the power house and make where ghost etc is alot bigger and maybe add a large grass rock area to the map.
  20. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    very very good map. It is great how you took one piece of concept art and turned it into a great map. I had alot of fun playing on this map and especially love the water of death. Great job

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