Campaign Speculations

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by JMJ405, May 15, 2010.

  1. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    As many of us know, Noble 6 is replacing a Spartan that was KIA. We also know that Noble 6 likes to go it alone, and in the campaign reveal trailer Carter says "I'm glad to have your skill set, but you can leave all that lone wolf stuff behind."

    This is from the Personnel section of the Reach Project Page:

    Carter (S-259)
    Kat (S-230)
    This could lead to some conflict between Carter and Kat (and Noble 6 as well, as he is a lone wolf, like S-293).

  2. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Here is what I want to discuss.


    He is the man, and yet they keep bringing in new people. I know they need some sort of change, but Halo isnt Halo without Chief. If he isnt anywhere at all in Reach, Ima be friggin pist.
  3. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Wait Thom? Like Thom Thom or some new Thom, cause if so that doesn't really follow the books, but hey its bungie.

    Oh and the reason for no Master Chief is cause he didn't take part in reach (well that much anyway) he came in helped Johnson at the Orbital Tether/Platform then took off in the Pillar of Autumn via UNSC codes. This is the other side of Reach, the side on the planet where everything went to **** and almost everyone died.

    Seeing as how Buck and (idk her name) got off i think that they will be tied into this story line. Question is will bungie just make us all sad by building an awesome story only to have all your squad mates die along with you. Or B. do you get off with Buck etc?
  4. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Epic chase between you and your warthog and a shitload of enemies.
  5. ROFLwaffleP133

    ROFLwaffleP133 Ancient
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    Master Chief was above the planet on the Pillar of Autumn which partook in the space battle. He, Linda and James are sent to wipe the data of a docked prowler that has not initiated the cole protocol. John and Linda Board the station and battle covenant with Averey Johnson and a few marines.

    For anybody who has not read the book, I left out many major spoilers. The point is that Master Chief's role in the battle of Reach could very well make an interesting side mission upon Reach's Campaign.
  6. Plasma Rifle Elite

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    Sorry, Bungie has said that since they didn't write the books, they're making a story that will not tie in with the books. A sick idea of missions could be a training mission, a fight up a canyon after landing the Falcons, that night-op level with Jun, etc. etc.
  7. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    I want a stealth mission similar to the second mission of MW2. Go in unnoticed, and come out leaving the entire base not knowing what the **** just happened. Some epic stuff right there.

    Guys, the Master Chief is where Bungie wants him to be. They didn't write the books, and they already said it wouldn't tie in with the stoyline of the book, other than the basic idea that Reach is completely and utterly destroyed by the Covenant. As much as I would like to escort a nuke into a Covenant carrier, it's not going to happen (if you know what I'm talking about, +rep).
    #7 Mongoose, May 18, 2010
    Last edited: May 18, 2010
  8. gskellig

    gskellig Ancient
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    I bet MC will appear for an instant. Like passing the main character in a hallway or something.

    I think it would be funny if you were playing as MC the entire game but you didn't know it until the end.
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Speculation? I can do that. We know that Reach's Campaign is looking heavily towards Halo CE for inspiration, so I'm assuming it will parallel directly. Also, the games have followed a fairly repetitive formula of being on the run, hunting for information, and then striking back against the Covenant. And of course, this is pure speculation and me making stuff up.

    Game opens up, you're not yet Noble 6 as you have not yet joined Noble Team. Instead, you're waking up to the alerts that the Covenant are invading the planet. This is the point in the game where you do that "lone wolf stuff." First mission or two, you're going solo, with just normal marines at your side holding down the position and evacuating personnel from whatever ship/building you're in that is being invaded by the Covenant. Think Halo CE's "The Pillar of Autumn" and "Crow's Nest" in Halo 3.

    Next mission, you've left the building/ship after the evacuation, last man out. This mission introduces the Warthog, because you're going to have to cross a lot of ground to reach the rally point where Noble Team is waiting for you. Again, this parallels "Tsavo Highway" in Halo 3 and "Halo" from Halo CE. The step out from technical corridors into a stunning open air landscape is something Bungie has already mentioned they want to bring back. There's probably some stuff you have to get out of the Warthog for, and probably some opportunities to Armor Lock to stop Ghosts and be all badass and stuff.

    Now we're with Noble Team in person finally, after only hearing their voices on the radio so far. This is where the cutscene we've already seen takes place. We fly off towards a Covenant ship with our objective being to find out what the hell they're looking for on Reach, because it is clear that they aren't just trying to wipe it out. They're looking for something, and ONI is too stupid to tell us that they already knew that. We approach, board, and escape the ship with the data we need. Parallel this with "Truth and Reconciliation." Also, Bungie gives us the Camo AA for this mission, probably.

    Off the ship, now we know what the Covenant wants and where it is. It's on an island, perfect for a beach assault a'la "The Silent Cartographer." Whatever it is we find here, surprise surprise it isn't the final objective, it points us in the direction of the final objective though. No Tank yet on this level, but we do get to see some fancy Forerunner structures that were somehow overlooked by the UNSC or just kept classified by ONI until this point. Also, even though we're the first humans to arrive, there are dead marines and human ammo caches and health packs all over the place for some stupid reason.

    ONOES somebody important got captured. Better go save them from the swampland where the Covenant is holding them. Also, you need them for something or other later in the game. Why is it a swamp? Because "343 Guilty Spark" was in a swamp, and that's where the Flood got revealed. Instead of the Flood, the big reveal in this game is ****ing Brutes, because Bungie needed to shoehorn a big twist reveal enemy into the game. They're more feral than in Halo 2 or 3, and you fight them in the dark (oh yeah, I forgot to say it's nighttime now), with VISR mode on, which gives them a bit of a scary monster quality that Bungie wants, since they're essentially the replacement Flood.

    Ok, now we've got the person/thing/whatever that we had to go get in the swamp. Now we go to somewhere snowy like the poles or a mountain or some other cold place because Halo has to include snow levels, it's a rule. We finally get a Scorpion and probably a flying vehicle or something. Now we're assaulting the thing that the Covenant came here for, and trying to thwart their efforts. Spoiler: we win. This provokes the Covenant to glass the planet since what they wanted is now taken from them, at least partially.

    Final level. Hey guess what! A driving level. Escape in some sort of epic fashion in a warthog. Oh and most of Noble Team dies or gets separated, leaving just enough survivors to fit in a warthog. We get to safety underground or something, and there's a cliffhanger ending of some kind. Noble 6 doesn't die, but he has to wait for rescue.

    Also, the voice giving you your orders for this entire game is either Dr. Halsey who sounds exactly like Cortana or some other smart sounding female voice in either human or AI form that replaces Cortana.
    #9 Ladnil, May 18, 2010
    Last edited: May 18, 2010

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