endure is a good perk. tier 1- defense. counters the effects of damage increasing perks pro- dont drop a scavenger packet to discourage the use of SP tier 3- informative replaces bloody screen with a health bar, which shows up in core and hardcore. pro- players dont get the little thingy that tells them where they are hit from when you shoot them.
Sprinter: Sprint with equipment and special equipment. Sprinter Pro: Sprint while aiming ______________________________________________________________ Noobtastic: Twice as much grenade launcher ammo Noobtastic Pro: Grenader launcher attachment to your secondary (excluding pistols). That's all I've got ^^
Clashing Blades - Tier 3 (Green) Prevents Commando's ranged knifing effects. Pro: Takes two hits by knives to be killed. To fix scrambler... Prevents Microphone Communication within range of the user. Pro: Prolongs detonation of nearby Claymores, C4 and Semtexs.
Perk: Haha Number: 4 (my own!) Purpose: When killing an enemy, theyre bodies blow up Pro Bonus: Blood spews into screen
Perk: Boost this... Number: 3 Can see tactical insertions anywhere on map, sitrep but much longer range. Pro Bonus: Players who kill the same player more than 3 times in a row will show up like the tactical insertions would.
That's not to bad. Maybe 4 kills on the same person in a row (players often go to the place the last died to try get revenge and fail) and the person gets a marker above them that everyone can see. It would go away if they kill a different person.
Forge Mode -Uses, be a ***** and go into monitor form when your shot and hit people with boxes til they die. -Pro--- Use tanks to hit people ---TO OBTAIN PRO- Get ten kills with a box
Bling elite (3rd tier bling unlock) - Have 3 attachments on main weapon. Allows shotgun and 'nade launcher at same time. Loses secondary weapon unlock- 10,000 kills with bling using pro with weapon
I always thought it would be cool if on hardline pro you get a 4th killstreak. Otherwise what about the anti-lag perk, basically when you get shot and run away, you don't drop dead after running around a corner, and on the killcam you are actually in the place you really was. The pro version would be you don't clearly shoot a massive white blob when using thermal and get no hitmarker.
Realism 1. Makes you not recover health/die in 1 shot. 2. Pro. Cause Snipers to miss when the crosshair is not directly on the enemy and focused for at least 5 seconds.
Perk: Speed Demon Number: 2 Effect: Causes you to sprint 50% faster for 5 seconds and a recharge time of 10.