Alright. Well, after much deliberation I've decided to keep it a solo forge. I asked to co forge because I thought that I had exhausted my ideas, but they're returning with full force. I'm sorry to those who I asked to coforge, but I'd love to have you guys test when this is all done! Along with that, I'll be updating this thread often with newer pictures. I've already done quite a bit so I should have new images up soon. And if you guys were wondering, yes, I copied this post to all the other preview threads on other sites, because I'm on my iPod and I'm lazy.
I think it would suit oddball perfectly. You could have the ball spawn on the rock.This map has aesthetic and gameplay potential. Don't mess it up.
What purpose would that serve in a competitive map? And he's said he's not going to have it be a co-forge.
Invite me to a game sometime. I want to see this. I can help with brainstorming. Im good at layout/balance. My Gtag is xA LeGiT TaCox
Lulz. Alright, I'll be updating the post with new pictures this weekend, and yes, this is now a MetaRoraWaddleRodaDee coforge.
Haha oh noes! thats so gorgeous!!! I see all the talent here far surpasses me as far as design. What im good at are useless aesthetics and weapon/spawn locations, so if you need any help with that just lemme know and ill do my best to help. I also offer emotional support, for a small fee.
I like it. A lot. Make sure you through me a inv next time im online. I want to see this thing up close and personal. I have a few ideas, ill tell you them when im online sometime.
Has this been released yet!? Or is it almost finished!? Cuz I really need this on my harddrive. Plus if it has been released what was it named?
Wow the arch is amazing. I love it so much. I would love to take this map but I'm sure you would want to put it to good use for yourself.