So yea i rarely come here any more. However, i do like that i can post videos every once in a while. Please leave some feedback. Im just getting into magic recently. <3 YouTube - A Quick Ego Change Thanks.
lol Seriously, how did you do that? Great sleight of hand you have there. Edit: I think I know how you did that. Prior to the trick you have a Queen of Spades followed by a Queen of Hearts on top. When you 'flip' the card you pick up those 2 cards so now the Queen of Hearts is on top. When swipe you hand across to reveal the Queen of Spades you have slid and concealed the Queen of Hearts beneath your palm. Am I right?
It sounds to me like you have it way to complicated. Or im just not understanding what you're saying totally. Glad you guys liked it though. Sarcasm is definitely closest to understanding how it is done though. EDIT: It is a king of hearts followed by a queen of spades. its hard to see cause of the black cards. Just thought id throw that out there. EDIT 2: if you notice at the end of the vid, my hand curls...that might disprove some of your thoughts. Thanks for the feedback though guys! EDIT 3: Let me know if you guys want to see more. Once i have some more stuff practiced ill upload videos for you. EDIT 4: Subscribe EDIT 5: holy sh** thats a lot of edits
Shadow Masters FTW. Do you go to ellusionist or theory11? Edit: I'm not really sure how you did this trick, but you did a crappy job disguising the double lift, no offense.
In case you haven't been there before, theory11 is a really good resource. I personally think the tricks there are better than the ones at ellusionist. Also, the community is more active AFAIK.
Just checked out theory 11 but I like ellusionist better. If you want to have more in depth discussion about it please PM me because i don't want to make the mods mad. Staying on topic. OT: You were pretty close with your guess up there ^^^ now that i understand what you were saying.
I think I might know what you did here: Put a Queen on top of the deck, and a Jack directly underneath the Queen. Double lift the two cards, and flip them over. You then have the jack face up on top with the queen face up underneath it. Slide your hand over the Jack, and palm the card towards the right side of your hand with the base of your pinky and ring finger. Amirightguise?