Pretty much ever since I learned about the "invis" effect, alot of screenshot ideas have occurred to me and i've really been itching to try this one, singulary ingenious effect: vehicles in front of epic explosions! I've experimented with about 4 or 5 vehicles. How I did this: Set forced color to black. Set health to invulnerable. Set vehicles to indestructible. Set primary weapon to Rocket Launcher. Placed juicy filter on blank sandbox map. Placed one of every vehicle on same map. The Guide: Have one guy stand behind the vehicle in which the poser is driving. Make sure the driver is facing straight, otherwise you'll have a messed up screenshot. Aim the rocket launcher at the back of the poser's head and shoot. In theatre mode, pause at the exact moment the rocket collides with the back of the spartan/elite's head. There should be a black looking shroud with "spark" looking things flying out of it. Combining this effect with Sandbox's terrain and the exploding sand particles, should create a screenshot replete with awesome epicness (epicness IS a word; look it up in the dictionary =p). Hope this inspires you younguns to make yo own screenshots! NOW HERE'S THE SCREENSHOTS I TOOK FROM MY SESSION. TELL ME IF YOU LIKE THEM, AND/OR, WHICH ONES I SHOULD PUT IN MY FILESHARE. I personally think they're all really good, but of course, I don't have many file slots to work with and can't stick them all up in there (that's what she said lolz). So again, tell me which one you think deserves the slot in my file share. Shattered Glass (I personally like this more than Untitled Mongoose #1) Untitled Mongoose #1 Invasion "They've Come At Last..." Fight And Flight "Fleeing Seige In The Heat Of Battle." Untitled Chopper #1 Now, this last picture I am going to show you is my first experiment with screenshot writing. After youtubing some tutorials on it, I decided to take it on myself. Couldn't think of anything to write, so I just drew my Halo 3 Rank. I'm thinking I could write in the description of it, "If you're a colonel, proud to be a colonel, or can't rank up past colonel, put this in your file share", or something like that, lol. Well that's all. Comment please! Opinions! EDIT: Here's a couple more screenshots I made in the past week. Figured it would be unnecessary to start a new thread for the couple of them, so I decided to post them here. I used the same technique with these as I did with the vehicle shots above. I know I'm exhausting this particular screenshot effect, but it's just so awesome! Sun God Crazy Eyes! Untitled Laser #1 Amnesty
lol well my intentions were to showcase my screenshots, and i put in the how-to if anyone wanted to know how i made them
Well, if I were you next time you do something like this I'd split post in half to avoid having it possibly being moved
Wow man, these are really great, I personally like "Untitled Chopper" the most, but the first one "Shattered Glass" and the seocnd last one "Untitled Laser" are also pretty incredible.