I am currently working on a map that requires players to shoot fusion coils in order to pass through teleporters. Ideally a player would shoot a fusion coil that spawns on a receiver node thus allowing for the player to pass through the sender node. In someways this works; I have the fusion coil on the receiver and when I walk into the sender, the message "teleporter is blocked" pops up. However, after completing about 1/3 of the map, I found that the teleporters still allow passage without shooting the coil simply if the player jumps into the sender node. Now I've tried things like stacking multiple fusion coils on the receiver and floating boxes over the sender, but nothing seems to work. Is there a way to make it so that people cannot simply jump into the teleporters and pass through without getting rid of the obstruction (and without modifying gravity)?
Or put something on top of the teleporter so they can't jump into it. Physically prevent them from jumping lol.
like dat. note that the 2nd one is a two way node. The first one uses the ramps to make it so that you need to destroy the fusion coil which is blocking it so you can't just jump into the sender node and get through. Here's the map link if you want to see it in game.
Moussemoose's solution with a sideways pallet has always worked the best with me. It's easy and requires little effort and resources.
Personally, I say Cam0fo's solution is usually the best approach because it uses the least materials and still allows a fusion coil to be the blocking object, which is generally preferable over a pallet (for the sake of lag, balance, and intuitiveness) The sender doesn't have to be geo-merged into the floor of course; it just needs to be setup in a way that you can only use the bottom of it.