As the title says, What were your favourite original xbox games before the death of the orginal XBL? (Besides Halo 2) My personal favourite was Farcry Instinct: Evoulution. The most fun game, IMO, on the O-XBL. The game was so fun because it had a map editor, couple that with its assortment of exciting gametypes and it allowed for some creative stuff. Predator mode was by far the best mode. I mean not all the maps were great, but the ones that were, knew it! The prison my were my favourite maps. Basically its the humans trying to escape a prison, the Predators are the guards. There was usually a secret way to escape the prison, a hole in the wall covered by some crates and boxes, a secret underground passage, etc. When the predators were close to the you, your players heart begins to beat faster, your controller would gently rumble and increases as they got closer. Once you controller stop rumbling, you knew it was your time to escape... Every man for himself! Awwh, good times, good times... I think im gonna buy Farcry Instincts: Predator, mainly for the reason that Farcry 2 sucked, it had no predator mode, and is a class-based game.
Rainbow Six 3 and Conker. I've spend so much time on both of them, everyone who played RS3 on highest difficulty knows what I'm talking about. Conker is one of my favourite Games ever, all the little Details, the Story, the everything, the best remake I have ever played.
That game was ****ing classy. I think I beat it as an evil force user 50 sumthin times over a 2 year period. Never got ****in' old. You pumped for ToR?
Hell yeah. It's coming out next spring I think, hopefully by then I'll have a decent computer to run it on.
Battlefront 2, Halo CE, fusion frenzy, rainbow six three, and of course.... harry potter and the sorcerer's stone.
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Star Wars Battlefront 2 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Unreal and Battlefront were so much fun because of the ability to play against bots. I didn't have live, so I played those two more than any other shooters.
I had an arcade collection (believe it was called Midway Arcade Games). That and the Halo games were the only ones I played on the original Xbox.
Hell yeah, Path of Neo! My favourite part is the very begining, with the elevator and security guards. I think i want to play that game again now, it was fun trying to re-live the movie...
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (over 200 hours xD ) SC: Chaos Theory Halo 2, but that doesn't count Halo CE, if that counts. the original PGR Jetset Radio