Foundry Stay in the hill

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by time twister500, May 11, 2010.

  1. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
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    Stay in the hill is a game i made a while back maybe be already been done but i find mine pretty fun. For about 1-6 people

    For both game types you must ALL be on the same team.
    First of the two game types;
    Game type 1: Stay in da Hill basically is who can stay in the hill with out dying as the course gets harded. You only got one life and who ever lives the longest wins.
    Game type 2: SITH 2 again its who ever stays in the hill the longest wins again but unlimted lives (i prefer this one).

    For both game types if you move out the hill you can but you wont win as you wont have the most time and both last for 4 minutes

    Now onto the map
    I wanted a game where you dodge the balls and it got harder and harder (sounds dirty i know) so i made it into a hill game type to make it more competative.

    This shows the back of the hill so dont go to far back or the teleporters will kill you.

    This shows what you will look at when you spawn you can see the hill dont go out or you will lose time.

    This shows outside and part of the ball return pretty simple.

    jump over them balls.

    oh no the walls are closing in.

    Break time (sort of a check point)

    Break over now get jumping

    Shield doors now the balls bonce everywhere slightly unpredictable.

    Aha Cones comedy factor if these actually kill you however they may push you into the teleportes look out.

    oh no

    And dont do this or you wont get time

    oh and i forgot to mention there are four balls continuously going round and come at random times so be aware.

    Game type one download from here: : Halo 3 File Details
    Game type two download from here: : Halo 3 File Details
    Map Download from here:
  2. xzBLUE HAZEzx

    xzBLUE HAZEzx Forerunner

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    I've seen something like this before, but I like what you've done by making the tunnel shrink and adding the cones and propane tanks. Just one thing though, it might be too easy and boring if there isn't a constant enough flow of soccer balls, you know what I mean? you could fix this by making the route that the balls travel after they go past you a bit shorter. Another thing the balls might be a bit easy to predict. So maybe you could add some teleporters in front just to make it so that the players can't see the balls coming too early. Just some suggestions for you though. Also using the hill is a good idea.
  3. Foyoman

    Foyoman Ancient

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  4. time twister500

    time twister500 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ive tested many times and every time ive tried it it has been quick enough, also i have used all 4 balls to make sure there is a constant flow and it is pretty difficult when sometimes two come at once and when someone in front of you is blocking your vision. Hope that helps thank you.
  5. Gratlofatic

    Gratlofatic Ancient

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    Pretty cool, me and my friends like it :)

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