Thrasher Thrasher was my first official Battle Track; this track is complete with rolling hills and two jumps to make the racing environment more exciting. Even though I formatted this incorrectly for Battle Tracks (didn't place VIP start points), it still works for BT since I properly formatted the respawn points for teams (these act as both starting points and respawn points). Pictures: Notice the ramp ghost merged on the right of this turn? This is the ramp you would use if you were to fall off the track. Final Jump/Finish Line Overview Enjoy the video! YouTube - Halotracks: Thrasher by smm2010 Download Link: : Halo 3 File Details Tell me what you guys think!
Wow definitely a good job for only our third post! I'm really diggin all the twists and turns and all those shifty movements. It seems like you utilized every object to complete this track. That last jump looks pretty risky if you ask me. Is it easy to make it or what?
The jump works perfect for me, since I included gravity lifts on the landing pad for a smooth landing. Also, there's a receiver node above the final jump. It acts as a guide so you don't end up going wide left or right and end up missing the landing.
The jump works perfect for me, since I included gravity lifts on the landing pad for a smooth landing. Also, there's a receiver node above the final jump. It acts as a guide so you don't end up going wide left or right and end up missing the landing