
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ticky, May 14, 2010.

  1. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    NO, IGNORE THAT IT'S CALLED SYNDICATE NOW (How do I change the thread name?).
    Hey guys, this was one of my first slayer-related maps i made and i decided to post it up on forge hub. Here it is, its called SYNDICATE and it is made for Team Slayer and also CTF game modes. I don't know if you can or cannot tell by the pictures, but there is a bottom floor which leads to the other base also and to the sword and shotgun spawn.
    Please comment and let me know what you think! And this was one of my early maps and I will continue to improve my forging skills.
    Here are some pictures...

    The man cannons lead to the center of the map for faster game play and for other reasons.
    Better Overview of Map
    As you can see, I added man cannons to each side to travel faster to the other sides for CTF
    Heres another image.
    I also decided to change the name to SYNDICATE because of overused name Sentinel.
    I will upload some action shots soon, probably with CTF.
    #1 Ticky, May 14, 2010
    Last edited: May 15, 2010
  2. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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    Pics not working.
  3. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    ya hold up ill fix that
    Alright pics are up now!

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map seems very small. Maybe thats just the pictures but it looks like the map needs to be made bigger or lines of sight need to be cut sown.
  5. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    ok thanks i will keep that in mind and i maybe will expand it. thx for your comment.
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    you might want to rethink the name.. sentinal has been used for a lot of maps. (i had one named that long ago too) just an idea anyway.

    The map itself looks pretty cool. You might want to try make man cannons from the side points lead to the bases as it's pretty linear at the moment with only 1 way in to each base.
  7. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I will consider both of your ideas. thank you
    Yeah I changed some things on the map....there are now man cannons on both sides to travel to the center quickly. I also decided to change the name to SYNDICATE. Tell me what you guys think and also, how do I post the link to download the map? Thanks.
    In terms of expanding the map, I was thinking about making some sort of hill/mountain sniper camping spot right behind the bases (which is right by the sniper). If you are reading this post please tell me what you think about that idea because i have been thinking about and it would help if I had some input. Thanks.
    Yeah i will definetly do that but still i need reassurance.
    I was wondering how to like update the map sort of? Should i just add more updated pictures? I'm also going to get some CTF action shots up soon so bare with me.
  8. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like that you can man-cannon across to the other side. Otherwise there would be too few ways to the other side. THat said, where are the starting spawns?

    Is there a reason why some of the outside is walled off and some of it isn't? I would suggest flipping the outer edge made of wedge longs and smalls and putting it off of the block doubles and up against the edge so it looks more like a railing coming out of the block flooring, and not a wedge long hastily thrown on.

    Some more notes:
    -IMO if the path is one wall thick or less, there needs to be a railing at one side at least so that it makes it more difficult visually to fall off.
    -I think incorporating jumps as opposed to ramps is not as good. I would rather walk up a ramp then jump up short ledges.
    -Do not overpower a little map with snipers, carbines, BRs, shotty and sword. It is just too much for the little guy to handle.
    -Man-cannons are not 100% precise, so a railed landing area is usually appreciated.
    -I love the thin wood bridge over the floored area. Very classy. It would NOT work without the floor under though.
    -WHY is there a railing in front of the ramp leading up to the 2nd level?

    Thats all for now. I had many ideas kind of like this I never made. Just some touch-ups could take this a long way. I understand if you like it how it is. I get attached to my maps and dont like changing them.
  9. Benjimino234

    Benjimino234 Ancient

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    In my opinion that a sniper would not be the best idea...

    I suggest placing a Sentinel Beam, mix things up a bit. Or maybe it's just my obsession for that weapon since it's so rare to actually use one. If you do I think placing it in the middle would be best. It's really actually quite powerful, since it can beat an AR at close range and BR at medium range and annoy the hell out of snipers.

    I'm also thinking that Brute Shot will also be a big part of gameplay and being able to knock off enemies off the map. Maybe reduce the clip?

    Can't say much about the actual map design yet, I like it especially that part where you can walk underneath. Consider another walkway (like a 3rd level) across the Obilieks and exiting at the center walkway. I think that would look cool
  10. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    The layout itself is pretty good, its just that the map is too small.The mancannons look really close to each other. If it lands on the other teams base then that would really cause problems for gameplay. I really dont like it when theres far range weapons on a small map. It just makes it feel off. Good thing you posted here before the final.
  11. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes thank you for all the replys. good thing that i did post here before the final. you are right. I may just redo the map entirely, making it bigger and removing/adding some things. I just learned how to GHOST MERGE so that may help in the process. Thanks you guys for helping me. I also have started another map on Foundry using GHOST MERGING so it may turnout pretty good. Once again, Thanks

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