I usually dont have any issues with that because when you first pick the object it is already angled perfectly and if you dont move it its the same as stacking on the ground, but on a flat box in the air. -Donuts
I hardly ever use Stacking, to be honest, I thought the "Stacking" in the topic meant the friend hold crate method. I use that very often and use S&Q for complicated objects, like Gravity Lifts that have to be at the perfect angle in the air or for perfectly straight placement (sometimes using another controller holding a box makes things crooked because of weight).
it let me vote two days in a rwo for some reason, but it won't today ..... maybe someone fixed it .... ???
I have yet to use the S&Q method, simply because I just have not gotten to doing it, I forget about it, and I usually have a few people in my party. I usually stack things no matter what. I would use the "friend hold crate" method a lot more except that a most of the people that are in my forging parties might not be the "sharpest tools in the shed." The select few that are relatively sharp and not completely incompetent are not consistently on, aren't on for long periods of time, and or doing something else. I must make an effort to try the S&Q method soon.
i stack when i am making objects that have to be flat. however i save and quit when an object cannot be placed in a cdertain position that is necessay. basically anything angled that doesnt connect to anything.
I only became aware of the S&Q method within this forum. So I only use stacking. But hey, I think that will change!
The only problem I have with save and quit is sometimes I will be holding the object and it looks to be in the right position but it really isn't and it looks crappy when I s&q
I like most people it would seem use a combo of both. I actually use the friend method most often because my brother is always around to help. Otherwise stacking for most items ,but save and quit if I want to place something at a weird angle.
Save and Quit now, a lot since I got HMP. I have all these ideas for so many maps on Foundry, but my object control sucks so I can't place the objects perfectly, and I'm half-perfectionist half-obsessive compulsive (if that makes any sense) so it slows me down a lot.
I wasn't aware of S&Q until very recently and I forge alone, so I'm a stacker. A very skilled stacker, as a matter of fact - I've done so much of it that I have my techniques down cold. Actually S&Q would have helped me a lot with a map I did recently - I had to block off a few small apertures in the geometry with doors, and I ended up finding ways to pull single boxes into the map's (inaccessible) interior to stack them up so I could place a door on top of them. It was a real nuisance, but from the finished product you wouldn't guess that it was done that way. Anyway I like stacking for consistency and making things look perfect, but S&Q will have a lot of utility for me so I'm sure I'll be using it soon.