Yeah i think custom ability will limit the fun/craziness of game play. Reach is more build specifically for competitive game play. Not ahh zombies game play. I think it'l be the same loadouts as allways just different starting weapons. Like oh say if you wana play zombies you can make the zombies only have the sprint load out with sword/plasma pistol and make humans have all or just some of the load outs. Idk you have to remember that this is a beta the game will entail alot more than what's been givin to us.
If you've played Arena you will notice that classic slayer is basically just normal slayer with sprint. I'm sure you will be able to get rid of abilities all together, but there probably will still be class systems. I've never liked the idea of loadouts for Reach.. It makes the player in the game set on doing only one thing (NoobTube class on invasion).
The stuff in Halo 3 forge was so good, I see no reason Bungie would eliminate all the good things. Class system is probably just an add on to make games better, and allow for the sort of thing in Asset so people can spawn differently. Needless to say, the full game will contain much more than the Beta, so I would not worry about anything being missing unless there is a direct replacement. Loadouts will definitely be customizable since all these do is give the player starting weapons grenades and an ability.
I'm assuming Bungie wouldn't destroy their Custom Games community like that. I expect to see all of the options from Halo 3 and the option to go back to Halo 3 settings by removing armor abilities, etc. I strongly believe there will be everything there was in Halo 3 (minus weapons that won't make the cut for Reach) and more.
With the lack of equipment it will change things, but you are ignoring the whole new class of maps based on these. Like a vertical hang'em high. Or a level with more shield walls and lockdown. Infection will go to a whole new level...
Yeah but the only time its effective is if you know how to use the "noob" tube. To me its more a pro tube as its quite difficult to actually kill someone with it (unless at close range). On topic Im sure loadouts will be fully customizable as well as have an option to switch them off.
Pro Pipe, Crypto, Pro Pipe. As someone else has mentioned, this is a Beta, I am sure Bungie will blow us away with options in retail, I mean, how often does bungie overlook something or let us down?
that would be never, haha every halo game has been the best of the best at the set time it came out. In halo 2 everyone was like omgz there is so much we can do with custom lololololol BAMF sauce. Same with reach the options for custom will most likely be limitless, i just hope by the final production new classes are created i would much rather have about 6 for each team not 4
Have you played Network test 1? You get over 4 loadouts (5 I think). Also, Bungie has alluded to customization of loadouts in gametypes. I'm pretty sure loadouts are gametype specific and that we can choose what they are.
yeah i played it yesterday and i see now you can have alot more. I just wish for more loadouts in slayer etc.