Sandbox Hulio Caesar II

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by PatchworkZombie, May 13, 2010.

  1. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    This ancient battleground was once the hub of covanent fast food. Now the only dish served is pain...

    Download "Hulio Caesar II"

    Secondly I want to say that the reason the map has "II" at the end of it is because it's the second version, and it kind of fits in with the Greek-sounding name.

    Ok onto the main event. I'll start with some basic info:

    Gametype(s) supported: All Free-for-all gametypes (slayer, oddball, KotH, juggernaut)

    Base Map: Sandbox (skybox)

    #Players supported: 2-5 players for best gameplay

    Weapon/equipment Roster:
    [All covanent]
    1xEnergy Sword,
    1xBrute Shot,
    6xPlasma Grenade,
    1xActive Camo,
    1xPower Drain,

    Basic Description:
    Small competitive map with an open bottom centre and a condensed outside rim. Teleporters are used to enhance maps gameplay and flow. Oh, and can I just clarify that teleporters do NOT lead to camping. Trust me, if a player has the camper gene they will camp regardless of teleporters.

    How to get the best out this map:
    Well original this map was designed for free-for-all and small team games. After extensive testing I found that team games simply didn't suit the map at all, so now the map only works for Free-for-all gametypes. My personal favourite gametype on this map is Crazy King, which worked well during testing with minimal bad spawns. Oddball and Juggernaut worked brilliantly also and of course it works great for slayer. Basically I would put this map on if you have a small party of 3-5, and you want a small competitive game.

    Ok, now it's time for the part you probably just skipped straight to anyway:

    Video Preview:
    YouTube- Hulio Caesar II - Halo 3 Forge map by PatchworkZombie

    Zoom-out Overview:

    Brute Shot Room:

    Middle Kill-zone overview:

    Corner Teleporter:

    Top of Mancannon:

    Top Central Overview:

    Feedback would be appreciated though it would be more helpful if you downloaded the map and played it before commenting on gameplay.

    Thanks to IDave the Rave for the awesome screenshot editing, and thanks to Katanga Askar for helping me with ideas for the description and name. Also thanks to everyone who tested you did a great and gave me some good constructive criticism which helped me improve my map.

    Thanks a lot guys and I hope you enjoy the map ^_^
    Josh Fox
    #1 PatchworkZombie, May 13, 2010
    Last edited: May 13, 2010
  2. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is crazy! Great job, the asthetics are very original and you did a great job by making sure everything was interlocked. It appears there are filters on on this map, which ones (if you did) did you use? Because this affect I dont believe I have ever seen on a halo map before. It looks like gloomy but yet it isnt quite dark enough to be the gloomy filter, i dont know maybe its just my lap top
    #2 II6clique jxIxj, May 13, 2010
    Last edited: May 13, 2010
  3. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Lol there is no filter it's just the effect IDave the Rave set up for my screenshots. The only lighting effects I used was a kind of mellow blue for the centre bottom and blazing red around the outsides of the map. Thanks for the comment and I'm glad you liked it :)
  4. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Which devilishly handsome dinosaur cracked that amazing pun?

    Anyway, I had great fun playing on HSII, although Halo 3 now feels weird after Reach. The central areai s surpisingly easy to navigate, and the upper crust of the map does not feel too controlling. The teleporter system in many of the rooms made camping near impossible, while also adding a hilarious tele-fragging tachnique to Oddball.

    My favorite gametype to play on this was KOTH and Slayer. King felt right at home with Hulo Caesar, as many of the hills stretched over two vertical plains, making it very hard to keep control of one hill. Slayer was alos grate fun because it was unpredictable. Usually I can tell where people are heading, and act accordingly. However, the teleporters really kept me on my toes, which was a breath of fresh air.

    My only critisism would be to add 1, or maybe 2 scorpions. That would make it perfect. ;)
  5. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Totally agree with sexy Katanga there.

    Anyway, much like Katanga I thoroughly enjoyed testing this map, I don't know what it is about your style of forging Patch, but I really like it.

    The only problems I have encountered, which you know about, and I'm sure your going to rectify, are a couple of spawn points in the small building with a brute shot on the ground floor.
    #5 IDave the Rave, May 13, 2010
    Last edited: May 13, 2010
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh wow, that looks very nice. I'll give it a download and a fly through, then once the betas over and everyone's on H3 again, I'll definitely throw it in some customs. :)
    edit: ^^ Rectify is the correct word. Lol.
  7. Raakuth

    Raakuth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is great. I love the entire layout it really does look amazing and that ghost merging is awesome.

    And i embed your video for you

    YouTube - Hulio Caesar II - Halo 3 Forge map by PatchworkZombie

    in future the way to put videos is to just watch it on youtube and copy the url of the page which you are on and forgehub will automatically change it into the embed video.

  8. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Lol I figured it out just in time but thanks anyway glad you like comments.

    Remember to get back to me with some feedback this is only my second attempt at a competitive map and the first one didn't go so well with it so I trashed it. Hope you enjoy your game.
  9. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ya i remember this map i test it with you (I rapped you all in the oddball match ) !
  10. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    holy crap this map looks like fun! after watching the video, im so psyched to go play king of the hill/oddball on it now! and i must say, i can find nothing bad to say about this map. the aesthetics are beautiful, the interlocking damn near perfect!, gameplay LOOKs really fun (as fun as a map like guardian or Last Resort), and the layout is very original and could almost make this map a classic!

    Download from me and 5/5.
  11. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Glad you liked it. You should get some guys together and test it out. If you ever wanna play on this with me or if you need anyone to test your maps, invite me anytime.

    GT = PatchworkZombie
  12. Garanaw

    Garanaw Ancient

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    Based on what I can see in the video and the screenshots:
    It looks like an amazing map! Cool design, aesthetics, etc. It really inspires me ... I want to forge now! But I've got to download this map first ... =)
  13. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Thanks a lot hope you enjoy. Remember to get a game in as well as a fly through.
  14. GFORCE137

    GFORCE137 Forerunner

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    This map is awesome. 5.0/5.0
    I love the creativity at which this bestows! The arch really completes the map!
  15. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    I don't understand which arch you mean but thanks for downloading anyway and thanks for commenting. If you ever need a map testing or anything add me GT= PatchworkZombie
  16. Inimical I am

    Inimical I am Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Woa! man this deserves a feature nice job! i can see that you put a lot of care and thought into your design, only thing is i cant get a feeling for how those back rooms connect, its confusing when going based off of the pictures but that doesnt matter really YOU GOT YOURSELF A DOWNLOAD!
  17. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Most of them connect via teleporters, though there is a nice mancannon lift built in there also.

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