Yeah, ok I know its another 'what do you wanna see in Reach' thread, but this one is about the maps. So we have 4 maps ATM: - Sword Base - Powerhouse - Boneyard - Overlook What I would like to see in the full game is at least 3 more large scale maps for Invasion. This is map idea I thought would be really cool: - Small town (there would be no walls or ravines around the town, just a 'Return to Battlefield' notification if you go past the outskirts) - Night time - Desert location (large mountains and rocks in the distance) The structures would have a very western but rusty architecture, as though the town has been there for centuries undisturbed except by the wind. Another sweet map could possibly be in an underground metro. Anyway, I know the multiplayer maps are all being based off the Campaign, but we can still think up cool stuff right?
I want to see a map that is 100% nature with no human structures. The two teams spawn in caves and duke it out in a large forest map with several rocky outcroppings, one side a massive cliff with a waterfall, and lots of trees.
I want another map like Backwash, only bigger and a better layout. I loved the theme and style of it.
I posted this on another thread, but it seems like it would fit here better, maybe I could get someone's opinion on it and I'm sorry about the wall of text: I assumed the last part of invasion would be a all out battle royal, the Elites having to get in a warthog and there being a kind of deathrace to get to the phantom. Kind of like the last levels in Halo:CE and H3 but instead of driving past flood your fighting your way to the end against other people. For a map that they could do this on they could have it set up on a road. Start off with a sort of guard station that with two buildings each side with the force field between them, a generator in each one. Then a large facility with a smaller one across the road, both connected by a bridge over the road a control point in each. after the Elites crack the case Warthogs spawn in several locations and a forcefield that had been blocking off further down the road shuts off. At that point bungie has it timed how long it takes to get to the phantom (maybe a 5 minute drive) then they double that and add it to the time. After 50% of the time runs-out the phantom starts moving towards the place where the case was, dragging the arrival point with it. It should be timed so it gets to the location of the second forcefield about 30 seconds before time runs out. For spawns place all of the elites on one side and the spatans on another with various side specific vehicles (+ warthog on covenant side if no equivalent) Also several air vehicles (I think running from banshees and jets in a warthog while trying to get somewhere would be epic) Hell, if that's all too big to put in one game type/map then just the last part would be an awsome game type, 6 elites vs. 6 spartans, spartans trying to get an objective to a drop zone. Something else I have always wanted is a vehicle oriented map. Maybe two large buildings on each side like sidwinder with a larger area between them and a larger flight ceiling. At least 3 Banshees/other air vehicle a side and several tanks, basically enough vehicles so that the number of things to drive can out numbers the number of people (Scatter mongooses/warthogs around to prevent someone who ditched their vehicle from being stranded) Finally, the pelican, I have wanted to drive one since I saw one in 2002 and I never have. For the map I gave ealier(the road for invasion) Just put it in a large tunnel/mine/ city with too small an overhead to fly out/ a city like New Mambasa in the Banshee parts with the spartans trying to steal something/escape from a large building at the beginning, fighting their way to the roof where ther is a pelican + two air vehicles on the roof. Once they get to the second highest floor elites stop spawning in the building and start spawning on adjacent roofs/elevated positions with their air vehicles, and maybe on a path/street below a few warthogs/ covenant equivalents. The spartans lose when the pelican is destroyed/time runs out. Maybe even make a zombie style map where after a defender loses enough lives they become an attacker until the attackers reach a certain point, upon which when they die they rejoin their original team, maybe they could make it that way for the first part of the current invasion they have now too. Sorry again for the wall of text, and could someone tell me where I could post this on so I can make my requests known. (Heck, I've typed it all out so the creative part is done, so maybe, though I'm not sure they'd like me telling them how to do their jobs)
I really like Power House (which was surprising, because I thought it would be another dumb High Ground type map), but I'm starting to hate Sword Base more and more. It's got a horrible flow, and it involves too much camping at top gold and attic. Boneyard is kind of fun due to it's large scale, but it gets kind of repetitive. If there are more maps like Powerhouse in the final game, I will be a happy man. It's not the greatest map I've ever played, but I really do enjoy it. Every area of the map has its own unique gameplay opportunities, and that's the kind of map I like.
i want an invasion map made this way: You start off in a complex fighting hand 2 hand, maybe a 2 story side for the humans 2 defend and an open shipping yard for the elites, after you take the complex you move into an huge docking yard, like either pelicans or ships like the one in halo 3 (i forgot the name the one that has the docks etc) while in the shipping yard both teams get bigger vehicles i mean like scorpion and wraith, make it a large hard as hell battle ground then on the other side of that is a larger complex with the power core that the elites have to steal and take out side where a phantom comes down and waits. But i want this to be larger than 6v6 im talking like 8v8 or more that would be badass, Overlook is okay but it should be built for TS and generator like make it so that the other side of the river is a death barrier, mb just ffa not ts.
Yah, it's good for flag because they have to fight the whole way, but for slayer it takes a jetpack to go up quickly.
Sword Base is like the ugly mutant bastard child of Orbital and Boarding Action. Does it work? Yeah, but it's a little rough. A few things could be changed: 1. The green lift. **** this piece of **** ****ing ****. I've never been killed by liftcamping shotgunners this much ever. I don't mind the lift, but having the exit in a tiny enclosed room that feeds you right into the barrel of a shotty is a horrible design flaw. 2. The big middle gravlift. Useless. What part of the map does it reliably take you to without jetpack? 3. There's a ledge on the side of the map (in the lobby, near High Vent) were jetpackers can camp and just go to town on everything they see. Minor flaw, just a little annoying. Powerhouse, on the other hand, is a great FFA map but a little weird in the team game department. Headhunter is ****ing great though. Boneyard wasn't the best choice for the beta, in my opinion. I think it's a cool map for Invasion, no doubt, but it's huge. I can't wait to try it 9v9, should make things a bit more frantic and action-packed. I love how there's plenty of options for attacking the complex, though; I feel genuinely badass going invisible and dropping through the roof from the conveyer belt. Overlook is actually my favorite map so far, pretty much. It's good for the gametype it represents and I'm sure one-sided objective games will go very smoothly on it. One thing that concerns me, though: since the maps are all going to be straight from campaign (a concept I am not a fan of), will this cause a shortage of fully symmetrical maps? I hope not.