I tried out the Gibby effect and got something else =p. Now tell me which one out of these I should keep. Because I like a few, but others I'm iffy and I'm not sure which position of Chief looks best.
1. Keep the first 3. The bottom 2 don't have proper framing IMO. 2. I believe that's not Master Chief. ;D
sorry i meant to put "chief's uncle" (simple grammatical error =p). anyway, r the top three good? or r u just saying they have proper framing?
Besides the framing for the first 3, 1. Really nice blurry effect around the Spartan. Colors are blended very well, but I think if the camera was pulled back a little and show more of the whole body, it'd only look better. 2. This one has good, clear flow (from behind top left, to foreground bottom right, and pretty straight). The explosive scar gives the Spartan an almost abstract wing behind him, only making the shot more awesome. 3. Not my favorite of the three, but again good flow, and the lighting scource is a nice touch on it. Aiming the camera just a touch to the right and to the bottom, and it would look better.
The last one is definitely my favorite if it were not for the orange streaks to the left of the spartan.
Daaaaaamn dude I like all of these for different reasons. 1) The glow and the blend of colors is gives an ethereal feeling which I freakin love to death! 2&3) The blend of colors isn't bad but what makes this picture is the pose of the spartan and the bluish glow he's got going on there. 4) Probably my favorite out of all of these. Pose + colors = EPIC! 5) Might be my second favorite. The green background with the blue sparks through it give it a badass feel and the orange sparks are a neat little add on.