Lost Planet 2 Review!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devil95, May 13, 2010.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Okay, I played Lost Planet 2 for the Last 2 Days. I've beaten the game once and Its not as bad as Ign or Gamespot puts it. Infact I really feel bad for Capcom get a 6.0/10 with Ign and getting a 7.4/10. There are lots of new things that made Lost Planet look alot better. First off, Customizable Characters! In Lost Planet, There are 5 colours and clothes to choose from. (I know it sounds bad but just keep reading.) If you've played Lost Planet 1, you know how retarded it was. You're T-ENG kept running down even if you were just exploring. However, Lost Planet 2 Solves this problem and changes it. And the T-ENG is somewhat useful too by opening chest which gives you weapons. The Cutscenes are at gamings best. Action Packed and Amazing Graphics make the Cutscenes Awesome!

    But thats not why you should get Lost Planet 2. Lost Planet 2's Campaign is 4 Player Co-op and Takes place in a Variety of Different Locations. Deserts, Jungles, Artic and Much more. The campaign is can get boring at times if you dont have a Teammate(s) but its still really fun. After each level you'll fight a Boss. Bosses are somewhat easy but can be hard at times. Depending on what boss. The Environments are really amazing. The Graphics are amazing besides the Original and Gameplay is alot of fun with Friends. Some issues are in the game though, Like for example: If you're playing and all the B-Points are gone, You're gonna have to play the entire level again. Thats Right NO CHECKPOINTS! However, Most of the Time there was 3-4 Levels that lasted 5 Mins to get to another Chapter which is a Checkpoint! The Campaign was Intense but wasn't that hard to go through.

    Lets Move to the Multiplayer. The Multiplayer for me is just stupid! Infact its the worst Multiplayer I've seen for a game. Its takes Gears of War 2's Multiplayer and just F**Ks it up! No only is it just F**ked up, the controls are difficult. Beyond any Controls. Campaign is very simple and is easy can be controlled with just 2 Fingers and your thumbs. However, the Multiplayer makes you press controls to regroup your squad even though no one online listens to you and Its just stupid. Night Vision is not useful at all. All the Maps have enough light to see without them. Even Night Levels. To end this review,

    Adds Gear of War's Dom and Marcus
    Adds Resident Evil 5's Wesker
    4-Player Co-op
    An 10 hours Campaign
    Multiple Bosses
    Great Graphics
    Intense Gameplay
    Amazing and Action Packed Cutscenes
    Split Screen Play

    No Checkpoints
    Multiplayer Controls
    5 Minutes on 3-4 Levels
    Long Invite Loading Time for Invited Players to Join

    Campaign: 8.9/10
    Multiplayer: 4.5/10
    Character Custom: 10/10
    Story: 6.5/10
    Design/Graphics: 8/10

    I give it a 8.7 out of 10

    Even though its multiplayer isn't the best I would recommend playing LP2 for its Campaign. Lost Planet 2 is worth a Rent!

    Green = Amazing!
    Yellow = Okay?
    Red = Holy F**k this is retard! **Gun shot**

    Also Im not that great at Reviewing but this is exsactly how I felt about the game. Sorry if you weren't pleased.
    #1 Devil95, May 13, 2010
    Last edited: May 14, 2010
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Why does character customization get it's own review score? It's nowhere near as important as the single player or multiplayer. A better replacement for it would be story or design.
  3. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    You see Lost Planet 2's Story Line is really confusing and got me lost half way through. You play as like 5 different people in like 12 different locations. Since I didnt even bother play Lost Planet 1 for more than an hour. I find this one better. Plus, Customization does deserve a Review Score. The Character you play (that you created) is in the Campaign and Multiplayer. Design/Graphics Same thing.
  4. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Yes, i would replace character customization with gameplay, or incorporate it with gameplay. Story would also be Campaign.
    Here's what my rubric would look like:
    1. Campaign
    2. Multiplayer
    3. Gameplay
    4. Graphics

    The four basic fundamentals of a good video game...

    IMO, i thought the multiplayer was pretty damn fun. I liked it, it was action-packed and lots to do around the battle field. The mechs are really cool to play with too.

    You can't just **** on this game after only having it for 2 days. Give it a week or so, eventually you'll realize how great it really is...
    #4 Shihuru, May 14, 2010
    Last edited: May 14, 2010
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Gamplay Fits Both Campaign & Multiplayer.
    Already did graphics.
    Im am gonna **** on the Multiplayer because they didnt do anything to fix the problem that Lost Planet 1 had. Spawn Killing!
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    The campaign is awesome with one player but It would be a lot better with 3 friends. The multiplayer I feel plays better then the first and I liked the first one a lot. I know a lot of people who did not though. I do enjoy all of the different areas the campaign takes place. Beats constant snow.

    Overall, this is probably the most different sequal from the original I have ever seen out of every game.
  7. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    AH MEN! Well espect for the Multiplayer part. Multiplayer isn't fun if your getting spawn killed. I am agree with the Campaign Part!

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