(Default Team Games) What is everyones;favourite load-out, load-out tips, memorable moments and pros/cons for each load-out?
I honestly like the Stalker load-out the best, since IMO stealth is very important in any game. I like it also because its easier for me to get assassination kills I also use the Airborne class or whatever a lot on Powerhouse. I recommend using the Stalker class on Sword Base...and maybe the Airborne one too.
Sprint is my favorite so far. Works the best with my bumper jumper layout. Anytime I get into a fight with multiple enemys, I just turn around and book it
Elite: Assassin is always my first loadout. I keep with it until the core is in the open and i need a jetpack to get there quickly. Spartan: Armor Lock. Always. Unless i need to fly somewhere. For fun: jetpaccckkkk
Assassin and Stalker loadouts are my primary. Airborne and Ranger is my secondary. I use Operator and Grenadier loadouts in Invasion during stage 3 of guarding the power core... depending on the status of the core and how close it is to a spawn point.
Anything with Armor Lock. But really, Bungie, I just want to one time spawn with Armor Lock and a DMR. I don't want to have to run my ass off (without sprint) to find a DMR somewhere on the map. Geez.
Depends. CTF-Stalker Slayer-Airborne Invasion tier 3-Tie between airborne and guard depending on situation I haven't played headhunter yet
Sprint perk ftw, i chased a guy down who took off with a jet pack on sword base, hit middle lift and assasinated his ass at the top of the map. BAMF win kill. But for CTF 1 flag (not stockpile) i use Stalker on defense, just grab a good weapon and sit and wait, jetpack/ sprint for offense you need height on power house and speed on both power house and sword base. I don't use lockdown simply because people who suck and get taken down 2 one shot in a one on one and use that **** pisses me off, then i just have to take their sheilds down again freaking bks. I know its got it's uses like when you go commando badass and take out 2 or 3 at once but in a 1v1 its bs.
Jetpack. I don't use it except the rare occasion I play Swordbase with a gametype that isn't Slayer Pro, but it is fun as hell and changes the Halo formula we've all known for years more than any other AA. A close second would be Evade.
I have to say my favourite load-out has to be the scout. Sprinting is so much more useful than jetpacks. Maybe if your movement was a little faster, it would be a lot better because you are literally a flying target, especially on powerhouse. Does anyone think that the elites roll should be incorporated with the spartans sprint, and vice-versa? I mean it makes sense. sprinting doesn't really help you escape and the roll would help its effectiveness. With elites you get 2 rolls with one full stamina. Maybe you should be able to sprint and allowed to have 1 roll before your stamina has to refill. Does anyone think thats a good idea?
My favorite loadout for spartan is Jetpack with an assault rifle. For elites its Evade with a plasma repeater and plasma pistol.
Definitely sprint with a dmr start. Then I drop my magnum for something more close range and automatic, like the plasma repeater or shotgun.
sprint, definately. on powerhouse; if someone uses a jetpack to escpae with rockets, and trys to escape to the middle of the map, you can just launch yourself off the top DMR spawn and assassinate them. I've done it about 4 times now, and its is hella fun.