Make your own armour ability!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, May 12, 2010.

  1. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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    All of these are over powered, I like what the person on the front page at the bottom said.

    Smoke Screen.
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Fancy List Is Fancy (Again!)...
    • Ghilly Suit - Just like in Modern Warfare 2 or Battlefield: Bad Company 2, this would make anybody extra sneaky. I also think it should make it show you don't show up on enemy radar, and it should resemble the environment of the map you're playing on. If it's Overlook, then it'd be grassy. If it's Powerhouse, then it'd be more desert-like. (This is less of an armor ability than a piece of armor itself...)
    • Bubble Shield - It would activate kinda like armor lock, but a protective bubble would burst out of the player's armor and protect those within it for a limited amount of time.
    • Regeneration - Just like what the OP posted, it would activate like the Health Regenerator in Halo 3, and heal anyone around you. This means health and shields.
    • Revive - If anybody's played as the Medic in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 then I'm sure you're familiar with this. The player would have the ability to revive downed comrads, case closed.
    • Lightweight - It would make you jump and move extra quick, but you would take extra damage from enemies.
  3. Foyoman

    Foyoman Ancient

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  4. ROFLwaffleP133

    ROFLwaffleP133 Ancient
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    Suicide Bomb
  5. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    This one could end badly... I don't really think it is the best idea for Halo, someone that can run around reviving all of his teammates would make camping much easier. Image someone in the attic on Swordbase. After a big battle, all they have to do is revive their entire team and then they have that area completely secure again. Same with CTF. Your team is running with the flag and 2 teammates die? The medic waits a second for everyone to pass, then revives his teammates and then they beat the defense because they just doubled their numbers.

    So pretty much unlimited sprint? Not the greatest idea, considering sprint makes you lower your weapon, this one only gives you more damage taken. Too close to sprint to be used.

    Lockon - Auto Aims for X seconds with a decent cool down time. I think this one would be kinda cool, help with all the noobs :p Though i could see quite a few complaints coming with it

    Tripmine - It would be cool if activating it just threw a tripmine like the Halo 3 equipment. Throwing a new one would detonate the first and there would also be a recharge time between uses.
  6. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    People please lengthen your responses other than one word or you will be infracted for spam.
  7. used man

    used man Ancient
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    I would like a grappling hook armour ability. It would be pretty much the exact same thing as the hookshot in zelda OoT. It could be used to scale walls, move forward faster, or hurt enemies when one is out of ammo.
  8. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Check this one out!

    And yes, this is super nooby, so if Bungie is smart, they won't add it. So, an enemy is shooting at you and you're about to die, you press the button, and all of a sudden, you punch the ground and become invincible... Whoops, already taken!
  9. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I like the smokescreen from earlier on in this thread. Like, someone would use it, and smoke would come out of their armor in a kind of hissing sound, and then there'd be all this smoke, and you could do super tactical stuff.
  10. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    super tactical shoot wildly...
  11. rocco600

    rocco600 Forerunner

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    I like the night vision one from earlier on in the thread.

    EMP Blast - Ups: Takes down shields from anyone not using an armor ability, takes out any armor abilities near them. Downs: Can not shoot, throw gernades or move while the ability is active.
  12. OrangeJuice

    OrangeJuice Ancient
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    instant shield regen which can be activated anytime after your shield has taken damage, but with 45 second cool down.

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