As title says... Mine: Health regen (sends a health blast around you. (longer you hold it, more health you regen and spreads to surrounding players (inc enemies)))
1: Deploying ammo crates: gives people ammo for human weapons. 2: Battery Charger: charges the battery on Covenant weapons. 3: Prone: go prone
Prone (as stated 2 up ^^^) Medic: Heals people in a radius (almost like a small regen, the equipment)
Trinocular Vision: Armour Ability while using Binoculars to zoom in even further temporarily. You can give all scoped weapons an extra zoom level for 2 seconds. While using Trinocular Vision, Active Camouflage is easier to see. Emergency Bubble Shield: You know you want it.
I'd like the ability to stop people from making noobish threads like these. As for armor abilities, the only thing I want to do is take them out.
Agreed, just ignore him, he want's me to troll him hard but I'm not going to. Some really good ideas in the thread, I like the idea about the charge one, kinda like in Red Faction Guerilla when you have the rhino pack. It ****ing demolishes everything and it's still really balanced!
Jackal Shield (partially obscures view for balance). Damage Resistance (comes with a movement penalty for balance).
An overshield that makes you invincible for 2 seconds, then goes to a 10X over shield that drops at 25%-50% a second, you shield only begins to recharge after they have entirely run out and take 2X the normal time to start charging. Then you have to wait a minute for the ability to recharge. You may pwn for 10 seconds, but after that your helpless for abouut a minute.
1. Yes please. 2. If you do not want armor abilities, you will be able to play classic slayer where you just have sprint (which is basically no armor ability)
I think the nigh vision actual will have the ablity to be VISOR or Night vision when the actual game comes out. I would love to see the regen one, also make the roll ability for both players sparatans and elites, cause rolling is super bamf if you know how to use it.