Elliptic Elliptic is a small asymmetrical map that was constructed with the idea of constant fighting with no areas left to be ignored, although the map had no set of direction construction wise. The outcome was very pleasing for me, and hopefully it will be for you. Elliptic is best played from 2-6 Players. The suggested amount for regular gameplay would be around four Players. Elliptic is compatible with Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, and KOTH. Weapons and Equipment Battle Rifle X3 Carbine X1 Mauler X1 Needler X1 Plasma Pistol X1 Plasma Rifle X1 Shotgun X1 Spiker X2 Frag Grenade X2 Plasma Gernade X4 Overshield X1 Power Drain X1 Screenshots Elliptic Gloom In addition to the regular version of the map I've also provided a Gloomy Version of Eliptic. Everything is identical except for the lighting effects. To give you an idea of what Elliptic looks like with the lighting effect I've provided a handful of screenshots: To give players a better look at what the map looks like while players are in the heat of battle I've provided action screenshots: In case you missed the following links above, here are the links to download the map/maps: Elliptic Elliptic Gloom There are so many people that I would love to thank, but it would be a great wall of text. So thank you to everyone and anyone that has helped or supported me throughout my Forging Career. Without all of you, I probably would not have continued forging.
Really, only the hole up high in the wall reminds me of sword base. But I hate sword base so I don't want to go comparing this to sword base. This is a very nice looking map. Gameplay does seem a little iffy though especially with that hole up high. I just see so much camping just like in... sword base D=
is there any chance of a possible overhead shot i wanna be able to connect it all... the map looks sweet overall tho.
Oh...My...God....So neat,so merged,soooo awsomely awsome...*Drools* The merged tunnel into the wall totaly Wins! 10/10 or 5/5! Good Job!
When I first saw it I thought you named your map 'Epileptic' Haha! I like how it looks especially that corner with the two ramps in screenshot 3. I like those little things, I'll give it a download for a better look.