How Do You Ghost Merge Teleporters?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kill 4 Silence, May 10, 2010.

  1. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    Can anyone tell me if there's a way to ghost merge teleporters into the ground or walls? It would really help me on the map I'm making. I've already tried to dummy them, but with no success, and the door trick on foundry doesn't work. Please help?
  2. mefire66

    mefire66 Ancient
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    I think there is a guide on this on this site, but I can give you a simple explanation. If you want to place a teleporter into a wall, I recommend placing the teleporter first and then ghost merging the wall slightly in front of the teleporter. If you want to place a teleporter inside the ground then you have to place a frame, made of like walls or something, then making them not spawn in the start of the round, then start new round ,then place the teleporter upside down where the frame should be, then wait for the frame to spawn or make it spawn emidiatly. The frame should only show the center of the upside-down teleporter once it spawns. Then just simply pick up the teleporter and it should sink down, and while holding it, save and end game, and when you come back to the place the tele should not be there, but only a green effect sticking up where you put it. This works perfectly with receivers, but you have to repeat this twice with a sender since it has two parts.
  3. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Next time OP, search ;l

    I can't remember the technique perfectly but you have to dummy the objects with the regular technique (no X, B,A method or w.e it is) and hit both of them really far (further than normally you would) and keep both in sight but be close to the one you are going to dummy. Once the furthest away from you disappears, grab the one closest. The continue as normal. Should work. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. It's really a trial and error method this way.

    If you make a fullproof method, post a tut ;p
  4. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    that sounds really confusing. have u actually tried it before? ill try dummying them again, but i doubt ill be any more successful than i was the first time
  5. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yes, I have done it before with this method. Teleporters just act weird for some reason ;l Sorry if it's confusing.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    just dummy 2 teleporters of the same kind (e.g. receiver nodes) normally (I prefer the up + A method). Pick one of them up, and set run time min to max. When the other teleporter dissapears, the one you are holding will be ghost merged. ta-da!

    The only difference between this and regular ghost merging is that there's no setting spawn time to never because telporter nodes don't have that.

    The problem with ghost merging teleporters is that it doesn't work all the time, or is just harder/more tedious to ghost merge (does not always dissapear, takes a long time to dissapear, ect). For me anyways. And yes, I've already used this method for a couple maps that I've already posted.

    for example,
    I did the last one on Valhalla for a friend.
    #6 Rifte, May 10, 2010
    Last edited: May 10, 2010
  7. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    i already tried dummying them regularly and it didn't work. i guess i just suck at ghost merging =p
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    What map are you doing it on? Sometimes it helps to knock the one you want to disappear off the edge.

    Also, make sure that you've dummied the object correctly. wait a few seconds after you've up + A'd it or whichever method you use, then knock it out of place.
    #8 Rifte, May 10, 2010
    Last edited: May 10, 2010
  9. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Like multiple people have said... its really a trial and error sort of thing. For me its about 50/50, but for some people they cant seem to get it... What i do is dummy two of the same type, get a mancannon and knock both of em pretty far away, and than pick up one and set the run time min. to its max.
  10. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Time for me to confuse you all with my science!

    From what I've experienced, the main problem with ghost merging Tele's is you can't set one not to respawn. The reason you generally want one of your dummied objects not to respawn is to force the game to try and respawn the object you're holding, which turns it into a ghost merged object.

    You don't actually need to set one of the dummied objects to never respawn because Forge always gives objects a "respawn priority", it just makes life a lot easier to force the game to give the object you're holding priority by not letting the other one respawn at all.

    How does this relate to the teleporters? Well, when you spawn two of them, one of them will have priority and it usually doesn't change until you create/delete more of them. How do we use this? Allow me to explain the process...

    You dummy both teleporters, like you normally do in a ghost merge process. Then you pick up one of them and immediately set their run-time minimum to the number on the map. Obviously remember to knock your tele's away from their spawn points after dummying them to initiate their respawn timer (I do this by just dummying them in the air so they fall below their spawn points, but whatever)

    Now, one of two things will occur once the dummied object you're not holding despawns:

    a) The teleporter you're holding becomes a ghost merged tele because it has respawn priority. Since you already had the run-time minimum set to the number on the map, as soon as the other tele despawned, the tele you were holding had priority and tried to respawn itself, thus creating the ghost merge.

    b) The teleporter you're not holding respawns and the tele you're holding does nothing. This means the tele you're not holding has priority, and as soon as it disappeared it respawned itself. When this happens you repeat the process again (re-dummy them) but this time pick up the object that has priority (the one you didn't pick up last time) and it should work!

    tl;dr: To ghost merge an object, the one you're holding must have respawn priority. You can force this by making the other one never respawn (traditional method). If you can't force it (like with tele's) you have to pick the object that has priority. If you choose the wrong object to hold then the ghost merge doesn't work; in which case you repeat the process but choose the other object because that must be the one with priority.

    #10 buddhacrane, May 12, 2010
    Last edited: May 12, 2010
  11. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Wow, put some thought into that, maybe you should post this as a thread in 101.
    I think your whole theory there is correct. What I'm still looking for is a way to ghost merge objectives, now if someone found out that, they would seriously have my babys (yes, yes I would force them to have my babys) :p

    But yeah, post that theory in 101.
  12. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    i would just like to say that nothing of what you said was simple and my head is throbbing painfully right now from the confusion!!!!
  13. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I wouldn't want to make a 101 for it, simply because it is only my theory and not a fact.

    I thought we could ghost merge objectives? Surely it would be exactly the same method as with teleporters...admittedly I've never tried to do it myself so I can't verify that. Perhaps I will take a look at this when I get back from work.

    Then my work here is done :D

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