Sandbox Forsaken Sands

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by XeNon, May 6, 2010.

  1. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    Hey guys! This is my first map post, Forsaken Sands, by myself, XeNoN! It took me a week to complete and is my second ever map using interlocking. I wish I could have added more to it, but I hit the object limit quick, disabling me to be able to edit some areas. Thankfully, I just learned how to Ghost Merge and I am working on a Avalanche map, but that is beside the point. Forsaken Sands is set up for 1 Flag, Multi-Flag and team slayer (I will try to get a weapon list up soon.) Now without further a due, here are the pics!

    Map Overview

    Attackers Spawn

    Attackers Bunker

    Attackers Barn. Originally had 2 columns so the arches came together, but you know that object limit!

    Camo and Hammer spawn

    The Jungle Gym

    Another view of Jungle Gym with the sniper rifle!

    The Sanctuary

    The bottom level of the Sanctuary with the rocket launcher

    The top level of the Sanctuary with the Spartan Laser

    The Wall! (My fav part in the map)

    Defenders Bunker

    Defenders Tower

    Defenders Pyramid and Warthog

    Inside the Pyramid - Download link!*

    Thats it! I know it isn't the best but I assure you I will make my next one cleaner!
    #1 XeNon, May 6, 2010
    Last edited: May 7, 2010
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great but it could be cleaned up a little with ghost merging. For example, pictures 3 and 4 look like great areas, but ghost merging can make the stone look great. Also, the rocket spawn could probably use a touch-up. Right now it seems like you might need to jump to get out, which might make some people unhappy. Nonetheless, it looks good - nice job.
  3. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    Thanks dude! Thats better feedback than I was expecting. I was planing to interlock the barn a LOT more, but I deleted a lot of stuff because of the object limit so I could get enough spawns in the map. Now for the rockets on the other hand, I usually do use columns to make mini ramps, but I ran out.

    Any suggestions on using less objects would be great guys!
  4. tyggerr

    tyggerr Forerunner

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    The map looks great, but it seams like almost all of the power weapons are closer to the attacker more than to the defender.

    Well, by changing the roof of the defender bunker, you could use less objects.
  5. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    Thanks! Yes, I realize that the weapons are closer to the attackers, I placed the sanctuary closer so the defenders would actually have to defend instead of running around with all the power weapons. Thanks for the suggestion on the defenders bunker! I am thinking of doing a V2 of this map once I get enough feedback.
  6. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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    Gametypes? I'd assume the normal. (Slayer/Assault/Flag)
  7. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    It is above in the paragraph...haha. The game types are 1-flag multi-flag and slayer. The map was originally made for 1 flag(I love 1 flag on Last Resort) but it is compatible with slayer and multi flag.
  8. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Looks like a nice idea for a map and fun to play for some different gametypes. My only criticism is that some of the map features, (like the arch circle) isn't neat. I have to go now but I'll download and check it out then get back to you.
  9. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks very nice. I remember when I learned how to merge- some of my most creative stuff ever. Anyway, I like the idea of different structures each supposed to be something (the first jungle-gym I have ever seen!) but I think the next step you can take is to think about gameplay. Such as: when will anyone ever go into the wood and arch circle structure? There are long range weapons, so camping on top of the defender pyramid could be a problem.

    As far as cleanliness, the only real issue I see that will affect gameplay is the little bumps due to the fact that the thin wooden bridges are not merged perfectly into each other. You can walk up smoothly, but not back down.

    One more thing to consider is how the map works together. Right now, the map has several detached features spread out with open space. This is not necessarily bad by any means, you just might find that the map does not flow well. One final thing to consider is weapon placement. I like that you are willing to place power weapons in the middle- but putting too many in a close area on a large map makes controlling the middle too powerful. Once one team has the middle, it will be very hard to take it back, esp. for the attackers.

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