Map Canvas: Ghost Town Weapons Used: Rocket Launcher Filters Used: Juicy Where On Ghost Town: In the area on the ground in front of needler and a little to the left of invis apparently this last screenshot is really good. I got 25 downloads on it in an hour. CRAZY! lol Let me know if you like them! To download last one, go to "Death Fest Boy"'s file share. It's called "Burning Sky". EDIT: Just to let you guys know, my other gamertag is Death Fest Boy, so don't think I'm trying to steal someone else's screenshots!
Holy -Blam!- that's -Blam!- awesome! The first one was okay, but holy -Blam!-, the second pic -Blam!- my mind! In all seriousness, though... ; ) Those pics are both amazing, but the second holy god amazing. It seriously looks like an action scene from a movie. You know, like the whole "zooming background with an explosion" sort of thing.
How could you take halo 3 screenshots at a time like this? Jk. Simple effect that I thought you used well. The second one is definitely better, but I'm not a fan of the angle and the weird rock-like thing with a pole coming out of it at the bottom kinda kills the shot. I'd suggest retaking them.
I KNOW RIGHT? ITS SO FREAKEN -BLAM!- I JUST WANNA -BLAM!- ALL OVER IT! Ok now to the serious part. The effects are simple, but the second is the best out of the 2 since it has that explosion shape around it. If you had another person in the game, you have more options for the picture, to make it more AWESOME!
lol. i DID have another person in the game. i had a guest account shoot a rocket launcher at me from behind, and i guess i paused it just in time to get this neat looking effect. but how could i make it more awesome with a 3rd member?