Hey guys, my last forum (was a files forum) which i was mod in, my friend hosted a ventrilo server for all the members to come on and chat. For use who don't know what ventrilo is... it's like a chatting system with microphones. Like skype but no registering required. Ventrilo is only a few megabytes to. It is mostly used for games such as CS and WOW. Its free, but to host a server costs monthly.
99% of us have xbl... buuuut if anyone really does want to pay the cost for hosting a server, go ahead.
I have vent and skype... I'd join if someone hosted a server. I think instead of it being an alternative to XBL, it more of an alternative to the ChatBox or IRC , but with voice not text. (@ Beetttaaa and others)
yeah, no its much easier to just say, Hey guys i'm going on in a few minutes, send me a FR and we can______. then to buy microphones for our pc's and another thing is, if over 100 people are talking at the same time, phew, and theres way more then 100 here lol