Well, me and Nick the Ratman were messing around and decided to make a fort on lost platoon... It was going great, until that blasted Wraith blasted our fort... I snagged some pictures of it if you all care. Inside the base... The hog is on some sandbags, so it can see over the barrier. Comments are appreciated, and If anyone else has done this, I'd like to hear some storys.
Yeah, I did that once. It are was pretty fun bro. You didn't even post pictures of us on top of that giant building. Noob.
Yeah, the covenant just don't understand the frustrations with ODST's forge... Blasting all our creations with the wraith and/or chopper and/or ghost / and or splody 'nades. But yeah, try the spawn room next time, it has alot more crates and wraiths aren't a problem. Spoiler You should check the thread tags. :embarassed: