If you didn't know, Microsoft said they were pulling the plug a few weeks back, but couldn't do so until all players go offline. Some persistent players have kept the game up for a few weeks more. Finally, they have all fizzled away (xbox probably broke lol) and there are no players online. R.I.P halo 2! There Is No One Left Playing Halo 2 On Xbox Live - Xbox News at IGN
super lol No but really i will miss you halo 2, oh well their is still always lans that go on, or u know XBC or Xlink
Halo 2 isn't THAT horrible too have 0 players online. I think of it as Halo 3 without armour, AR, new weapons, equipment, Forge, Foyoman, theater and players.
I never played halo 2 period lol halo 3 was the first of the series that I have played and it instantly captured me
All great things have to die eventually and Halo 2 is no exception. Its sad to see it go but with Reach coming out soon I think the loss of Halo 2 wouldn't be so hard.
Why does everyone associate the Original Xbox live with Halo 2? There were plenty of other great games out there. For example, Farcry Instincts: Evolution. It had an amazing multiplayer due to the fact that the game had a map editor. People were really creative and made some really fun maps, my favourites were the prison maps, incorporate that with the game's Predator gametype and you had one hell of a scary, but fun time. I had more fun playing this game on my O-Xbox than any other. Halo 2 became boring at times because everything was so repetitive. The only way to break this repetitiveness were to play games like zombies and cat & mouse...