MLG Map in making

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by KyleRidesDinos, May 10, 2010.

  1. KyleRidesDinos

    KyleRidesDinos Forerunner

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    Map Preview (No Name)

    I, KyleRidesDinos, am currently making a map i hope to be used for mlg variants. It is not completed and will be soon, but i wanted to ask any of you if its getting along ok. It is in my file share and also is titled Bigh (or something of that nature). I just started and wish to know if Ive done something wrong before i get to far into the map.

    I am new to forging and would like some constructive criticism on the topic. I made another map that is in my fileshare, but i don't think it will be nerely as good as the one im making now. My GT: KyleRidesDinos. You do not need to me any favor, but i would like those who have the time and willing to help me for advice.

    Happy Forging =)

    Link to map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Description of map: A crashed halo ring fell onto an abandoned planet. The covenant looked for the halo ring, and found it unknowing that a spartan team was following.... 2-8 players mlg variants slayer and ctf. 2nd map using merging techniques so go easy one me. (I don't care if it doesn't fit with the halo timeline as i have no knowledge of it. At all.)

    Progression: I have almost finished the middle part of the map and probably will by the end of the night. If you have downloaded it please aware me of any crooked parts. (I am aware of three mistakes so far and will fix them) or any changes to improve upon anything just let me know. =)[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    #1 KyleRidesDinos, May 10, 2010
    Last edited: May 12, 2010
  2. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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  3. KyleRidesDinos

    KyleRidesDinos Forerunner

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    I am not posting a map yet, as said above please read my post before commenting on it, it makes you look ignorant. I am posting in the right section to my knowledge, this is the mlg map section,correct? Also when i am finished with the map i will post a link and pictures, but again even as title says i am not finished.
    Sorry for the redundant response, but i thought it was necessary to acknowledge all of your "post".
  4. Mattitiyahoo

    Mattitiyahoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lets keep this from getting personal.

    This is the wrong place to post a map. This forum is where the finished maps go, the unfinished maps could go in the Halo forge discussion forum. However, no harm, no foul. This is one of your first maps being posted? A mistake like this is OK to make, and is, honestly, quite common.

    I did check out what you had done for your map. It seems you are competent with your merging, a trait not common in people new to making maps, so you are ahead of the game. As for the layout of the map, I know that it isn't finished yet, but it lacks direction. I would say that it is a bit pre-mature to post a sneak peak like this, but I understand your enthusiasm.

    Specific criticisms of your map? The diamond that is formed by those double boxes in the middle is inescapable, so if someone falls in it by accident, they could get stuck. I suggest making a crate or something in there to let them get out, easy fix. Also, the incline leading to the perch at the back of the map isn't as good as it could be. You have to jump to get to the very top. However, I saw what you were doing there and liked it.

    All in all, the final version of this WILL get a download from me, I would like to see what direction you take this map in. Good luck.
    #4 Mattitiyahoo, May 10, 2010
    Last edited: May 10, 2010
  5. KyleRidesDinos

    KyleRidesDinos Forerunner

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    Ok, thank you for the constructive criticism. I wasn't angry with you or what you said, but i did try to address all your points accurately how i feel and maturely. The diamond in the middle is not finished there will be something else the i am not sure what to add to complete it. As for the ramp to the side i did realize the mistake there but the middle piece isn't completely straight and was quite difficult to get in place.
    As for the wrong section it, it was my fault and will not happen again, but i will use this thread to post the map when finished.
  6. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Ancient

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    I love lists, aren't they informative?

    Three posts in and you are already acting like you own the place. Hope you will learn better later on.

    Welcome to ForgeHub!
  7. KyleRidesDinos

    KyleRidesDinos Forerunner

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    I did not insult anyone. If grammar really matters on the internet please inform me, as I didn't know that anyone cared. If you read all my posts I admitted that i posted it in the wrong section. Please read my other posts for further questions because i have probably said something before.

    edit: One cannot own a forum, unless that one owns the website. I feel I did not act this way and am sorry if you felt hurt by it.
    #7 KyleRidesDinos, May 11, 2010
    Last edited: May 11, 2010
  8. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Moved to Forge Discussion, no need to make a new thread now.
  9. Foyoman

    Foyoman Ancient

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    Now that that's been taken care of, I'd like pictures!
    Jrcane4455 has the link in his post.
    #9 Foyoman, May 11, 2010
    Last edited: May 11, 2010
  10. KyleRidesDinos

    KyleRidesDinos Forerunner

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    thank you, but i don't want to go through the trouble of pictures until i am done, sorry.
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Post like this:
    Banshee (normally linked to your map)​

    The banshee is the primary covenant ground assault aircraft, armed with plasma cannons and an energy bomb.


    Any questions about things you need help on:
    What is the best way to use a banshee?

    Another download link (if your thread is long)
    If you skimp on any of these sections no one will bother to go look through your file share to find the map then play and download it because no one knows anything about the map. If you are not willing to take the time to post pictures of your map, or probably even read this post, why would anyone want to waste their time downloading the map.
    I do not even know which map in your file share this is.
    Octagonial V1.0

    Woah look that was not so difficult.^^^
  12. KyleRidesDinos

    KyleRidesDinos Forerunner

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    I will read every post on my thread and take any advice given to me. If you read the post, as you assume i don't, i clearly said it was the one called "Bhig, or something of that nature." Kind of ironic? And would you not rather me work on the map when i have free time then get pictures of a map i have not finished? (Retorical Question by the way)

    I am not very familiar with many forums or computers and it might take me some time to add pictures of an unfinished map. Also i said in the 1st post that if you didn't want to help me you don't have to. So please read my post before you tell me to read your post as i have responded to every post here with gratitude.
  13. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When it does get time for posting your pictures there are plenty of tutorials here at Forgehub that can assist you to the process of embedding pictures.

    Some of these tutorials can be found below:
  14. KyleRidesDinos

    KyleRidesDinos Forerunner

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    Thank you AGamer at least someone here is interested in helping me out. =)
    (as a "rookie" im not too familiar with forging in general)
  15. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    who do you think you are, a moderator? well, you're not, so there's no need for your smart remarks. he was obviously confused, being new and all, that's why he was getting defensive when the first guy commented saying his thread was in the wrong forum.

    You need to remember that you're not staff, and you're pretty much just as new as he is. So don't talk down to other people lieutenantlambo. it's ignorant
  16. KyleRidesDinos

    KyleRidesDinos Forerunner

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    Thank you kill 4 silence, but i don't feel anything i said should've been offensive to anyone. It may have been out of line, but certainly not offensive. I feel i was just telling it how it was. =)

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