Does anyone else here use them? Apps like Portable Firefox, Skype, anything that can be run from a portable flash drive or CD or HDD. I have a collection of small games, freeware apps of professional programs, and other things. If you have some cool free apps that are portable, discuss!
Answering on where I get my copies: is a good site that has a lot of different apps hosted there. is another site that is filled with smaller, less specialized apps. For more sites, there's always Google. My friend says that there are free patches online that will make a legally bought version of Photoshop CS3 portable, but I don't know whether or not it's true. Here's a list of what I use: RocketDock (Makes it look like the Mac dock) Paint.NET Portable (Portable Photoshop imitator) Winamp Lite (Free portable version of Winamp Pro) VLC Portable (Universal Media Player; plays videos, music, and pictures) Firefox Portable (Portable Internet Browser) Thunderbird Portable (Portable Email reader) Skype (Skype is, by default, portable, but you need to import your contacts list) CMD Prompt Portable (CMD line portable) WinDirStat Portable (Finds what files are hogging your memory [Not RAM memory, in Bytes]) Notepad++ Portable (Notepad Successor) KGB Archive (Freeware, can compress 1 GB to 5 MB, untested) WinRar (Just copy the file structure and you're fine)