Curious about a Map Idea.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WyntersByte, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. WyntersByte

    WyntersByte Ancient
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    I had an Idea to design a map based on a scene from the movie "The Rock".

    There is a video showing the room i want to make Here.

    I want to remake the shower room and possibly part of the sewer. I deffinately want the shower room and the two overlooking walkways that the defending marines were positioned on.

    I am just wondering what everyone thinks of this idea and if anyone would like to work on it together.

    I'm not the best of forgers but i am working to get better at it. I kinda want this map to be my Debut.

    So any Comments, Questions, Suggestions or other ideas?
  2. Skull 134D3R

    Skull 134D3R Ancient
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    This seems like a rather good idea. I'm not a super forger but I have some experience, I'll help you if I've got time to.

    If you want to make some of the sewers as well I'd suggest using walls as the floor/roof. As for the "pillars" in the shower room walls and barricades may work. I'd then use bridges for the upper floor.
    But remember to make a good way to get to the high/low ground that won't make it easy to camp. Think about how you place the weapons.

    Let's say that you use grav lifts for transportation between the middle and top floors. This may not be the best solution but it's simple. Don't place a shotgun on the upper floor so that it's easy to camp up there. However people are gonna go up there with it anyway, so make sure to have a way to counter it.

    The sewers might be a problem if you don't wish to change the layout of the map. I think it'll be rather easy to camp there. A solution to this would be a power drain and a couple of grenades. If you're gonna use this I suggest making it possible to bounce the grenades in different directions so that it doesn't only go straight down.
    Another way would be to use a flare.

    I hope this helps a little. Send me a friend request on xbox live if you want some help. Skull 134D3R :squirrel_chatting:
  3. WyntersByte

    WyntersByte Ancient
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    Yea, I have kinda envisioned how i want it to look, now im trying to decide on size, and then to actually build it.

    I am a huge fan of that movie and would kinda like to make a series of maps dedicated to it. some like the upper level meeting area for the defending marines, and maybe the last rocket tower. Just seems like it would make a cool Map pack.
  4. Skull 134D3R

    Skull 134D3R Ancient
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    I love The Rock as well, it's definately one of my favourite movies, unforunately I haven't seen it in way to long so I don't remember very much from it. I agree that it may indeed be a cool map pack.

    However I must say that for good gameplay you may have to make some changes, like using bridges for the upper levels floor in order so that you may move around more on the middle level. Of course you could just try to use boxes for the top level and see if it plays well.

    I wish you good luck and I will be glad to help you if you need it.
  5. WyntersByte

    WyntersByte Ancient
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    Yea, I am deffinately gonna need some help, i think i am about to begin drawing a layout for it, but im kinda wondering how i can do the 4 manholes, i could make a circular hole there but the trick is, we cant climb ladders. so ive gotta find another way up. I dont mind changing the layout a little as long as the inspiration is obvious.

    :squirrel_evil:It shall be Done!:squirrel_evil:
  6. Heartsfell

    Heartsfell Ancient
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    When you pause the video at 1:54, there's a general overview of the showers.

    EDIT: Maybe use grav lifts for a "ladder"?
    #6 Heartsfell, Apr 26, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  7. WyntersByte

    WyntersByte Ancient
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    Yea, Thats what ive been looking at, then i need to combine that with the panorama with the marines running in.

    EDIT: Yea, i was thinking about that, but then it poses the problem f dropping down, so i think i may just have that as a one way entrance then a stair way entrance or something somewhere else.
    #7 WyntersByte, Apr 26, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  8. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    you could try to make one little thing and use it as a ledge to jump up or several if necesary (bad speller)
  9. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I'll help. I bet I could make a few ideas. I'll be on tomorrow to help you if you want.
  10. Heartsfell

    Heartsfell Ancient
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    I'll help too. Im not much of a forger, like ive never actually completed anything haha. But i'd like to help
  11. WyntersByte

    WyntersByte Ancient
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    Well guys, i've spent most of my free time today pondering this, and i believe that It could work, I think I am going to make a full "The Rock" Map pack, so in the next few hours im going to draw up some layouts, anyone that wants to help just add (SOF Katastrophe) on XBL and send me a message.

    I could also use reference photos and such of any areas you could think of that would go well with this pack. *(You will be given credit when maps are posted)
  12. Heartsfell

    Heartsfell Ancient
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    I just added you, my GT is SeahawkShawn [i hate football though. Me and my dad have the same name shawn also]
  13. Skull 134D3R

    Skull 134D3R Ancient
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    I've got an idea about the ladder in the sewers. make sure that it's deep enough and use a grav lift for the ladder. It can't be too deep since then you won't be able to get up but it'll have to be deep enough so that if you jump down through the hole you'll just get a small boost upwards from the grav lift. But you won't fly back up again, you'll just get a little farther in you're jump, it'll be kinda like your jumping off the ladder half way down.

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