Defrag LR-JMP1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Devinish, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    The Premise
    Get to all of the destinations. You start in "The Hub" which has teleporters to all the problems.

    What You Need
    The Map
    You need this Game variant, which times your run, and gives you other attributes required for the map to be used.
    You also need to have a pretty good jumping ability. You must be familiar with crouch jumping, slide jumping, grenade jumping, Brute shot jumping, Edge ghost jumping (somewhat), and "poop" jumping to finish this course (in a decent time). If you are not familiar with these, do some research, you'll be a better person.

    The Destinations

    This is where you begin your journey. Start on the left and work your way to the right. I placed cones in front of the teleporters that you can walk over to keep track of what problems you have tried (I'm a genius, I know).

    This one is pretty basic, all you need to do is get to the top and jump into the tree on the left. The portal at the bottom will bring you back to The Hub. (Difficulty 2/10)

    You are teleported onto a Brute Shot. You only get 6 shots. If you F it up, you have to drop the empty Brute Shot and another will respawn instantly. The Destination is up the side of Froman. (Difficulty 4/10)

    Here you need to make your way around the edge of this building. Much patience is required. There are two points, one halfway, and the other on the backside. (Difficulty 7/10)

    This one doesn't seem hard, all you have to do in get to the bridge in front of the windmill from destination Six. It's possible, I promise.
    P.S. Don't put down the bridge, just drop down and you will be teleported back to The Hub. (Difficulty 9/10)

    Blind jumping onto small little treetops, in addition to the grenade jump to the top of the last tree make this one the hardest of them all. This one is guaranteed to piss you off, but again, it is very possible. Head to the water after you are done, to teleport back to The Hub. (Difficulty 10/10)

    A little break from the extremely difficult ones. A well timed crouch jump should do the trick. (Difficulty 5/10)

    A slide jump, to "poop" jump will get you over the wall on this one. Make sure you grab the Grav Lift on the way to the return portal. (Difficulty 7/10)

    The final portal can be found on the next floor up in The Hub. Use the Grav lift wisely, as there is only one. The rest is up to you to figure out. (Difficulty ?/10)


    1. Where is the timer?
    The official completion time is the time you were VIP in the postgame stats.

    2. What do I do for number (blah blah blah)?
    Figure it out, I have faith in you (or read the descriptions above).

    3. What's your best time?
    A little bit under 7 mins.

    4. Number (blah blah blah) is impossible!
    No it isn't. Some great vids have been brought to my attention that will help you in your journey:
    These videos will be most helpful to you, all of the tutorials for the jumps required can be found here.
    This Video shows some other great Edge Ghost and Slide jumps.
    This Video shows the "poop" jumping technique, as well as some other nifty stuff.

    5. I found a way to cheat!
    If you can't figure a problem out, do some research into the jumps required, finding alternate ways around will usually give you a slower time anyways. Cheater ;-)

    6. I want to have your babies...
    You are a very strange person.

    Good Luck
    And don't forget to post your best times.

    If you like this, you might also like:
    Defrag FD-JMP1.
    Defrag HG-JMP1.
    #1 Devinish, Dec 29, 2007
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    sounds like a very original and intresting idea....not exactly my specialty...but mabe ill try it
  3. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    ^^ And THAT is one of the reasons I made it, not very many people understand how important the ability to get around a map is in Halo. I plan on making future types, where you have to shoot another player as you navigate through an obstacle course. But that's just my little secret, don't tell....
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    you do have a good point there, i cant even pull off a grenade gonna download this and try it out...:) btw im not too sure about the shooting idea...kinda the whole point is being able to get better at jumping, which is one suggestion im thinking....maybe you can do like...i dont really know how...but an easier way to learn this kinda stuff..for example, i cant do a grenade jump or a rocket jump or w.e for my life, im not sure if this map will help, but it looks like you need to be decent at the tricks from the beginning
  5. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    A few of them are easy, a few are hard. Number three/four seems to be the main trip up. But if you really need help, I'm sure a I could post a few extra hints for those who are getting frustrated.

    Though it was designed around having to be able to do the jumps to finish, I also really want people to learn about the different ways to get around. Meaning if you don't know how to do it, you have unlimited resources at your very fingertips (i.e. The Intranets). :)
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    yea first off i would post how to do each special jump...secondly, i would put them in order of how hard they are, because lets say i can get up to 6 (if it was in order of hardness), then i can tell people about how i got up to 6, but right now who knows if i just get stuck at the really hard #3/4
  7. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    The problem is probably with using the given names for them if people don't know them, like slide, late, 'poop' jumps. (Is that last one the new one in Halo 3, in that video where they got from guardian shotty spawn up to the corridor above?)

    I like this, from the screens and description. :)
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    thats why im saying there needs to be explanations of each jump, and if possible, a video to explain them
  9. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    Well, if i completely show you how to do them, it isn't much of a puzzle then, is it?

    I'll get some links to the various jumps, with tutorials, but not specifically for my map.

    Might take a little bit though.

    As far as putting them in order, they are mostly in order, with a little intermission between the hardest of them. I put the difficulties there, so you know. For those who don't know much about this, the challenge should be finishing. For those who do, I'd like to see some best times.

    EDIT: This Vid has a few decent examples at Grenade / Brute shot jumping

    These videos will be most helpful to you however
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    yea thats what i mean, dont show us how to do it, just show us how to do the jumps
  11. B0bbeh

    B0bbeh Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    Love it. Very well put together in my opinion. Most of it was easy for me (I've been jumping since late Halo 2), except for the blind tree jumps. That became easy for me after I figured out a way to think about where to jump. Also, for some reason I couldn't do the jump to the sixth spot. I did it pretty much first try after I saw it in a jump video, and was able to do it to show my friends and such.. don't know why I couldn't do it for a while here.

    I'd love to see more of these defrag maps. The ones posted on HighImpactHalo get a bit too tricky for me :-[ . This one seemed to be a near-perfect challenge for me.
  12. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    Looks very interesting Im going to give it a good look.

  13. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    Nice layout and presentation. These jumps look really thought out and organized, I downloaded.
  14. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    Thanks for the kind reviews. Anyone have some best times they would like to share?
  15. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    I like it. You can't imagine the satisfaction I got after finally making it to spot 2. I just about gave up when I finally made it. Still stuck on 4 though.
  16. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    Once I get my room set back up from painting I will test it out and give you a better review. Should be later tonight, until then.

  17. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    I already posted videos of Slide Jumps, Ghost Jumps, and Poop Jumps in the video section a long while ago. I figured they would be common knowledge by now. And yes, "poop jump" is the actual name for it.
  18. B0bbeh

    B0bbeh Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    The term "poop jump", I believe, was just coined by people at MLG. I'm pretty sure the person that "found" it was just calling it equipment jumping. Not that it really matters ;D

    I'll post my time after I go through it once or twice more. I really hope you make more maps like this. Make ones to practice edge ghosts and curves more.. i need more practice with those :-*
  19. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    Bobbeh, why... why did you have to make that print small. Just from seeing it me being my curious self I spent like 5 minutes booting up word and changing the font size only to see you say you need to make more ghost jumps. Ahhhh, why do you make me endure this.
  20. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    Re: Defrag LR-JMP1 (Designed to test your jumping skills)

    I started one on High Ground yesterday. It will probably be a week or more before it is in the test phase. When it comes time, I'll post in this thread again, for some of you who would like to beta test.

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