I think I've brought this up a bit ago on the Shoutbox, but I was wondering if anyone still wanted to do this challenge. Basically, remake The Pit on Foundry. It's wholly possible, just a little smaller. First person to do so will get a free 1600 -code through their PM. Here's the guidelines. The map needs to look, in terms of basic layout, like The Pit. This includes every single nuance in the default Pit layout. The outside fence isn't required. However, it would be sweet. PM me a link to your map, and in return, I'll PM you the MS points. No, I'm not promoting for users to ask/bribe others to make maps for them. I wanna know how many people are crazy/desperate enough to endeavor this useless and ridiculous task.
Every single nuance? So, like, have the yellow walls that you can walk on? The stairs that you can hide under? The little lights that you can jump on that hang all around the map?
Yes. =D Nah, just the basic layout. Like leveling, stairs, and that second floor. Places that you can get into without Forging or Glitching.
Wow, first person to complete it? I was going to attempt it but it'd be my second project so im still a forgenoob.
I was thinking about doing this a week or two ago, and thought about some one making a contest for it. lolwut.
I actually did this a while back Here's the link: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=23646017 It's not exact due to size restrictions.
lol i wasthinking about making this i will probably do it soon in like a week i like urs mattus but i think u shoulve tried to make it the exact remake instead i still like it though